Randy and Jared continued the series "Think Orange" today, with the text taken from II Timothy 1:5... "For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well."
They reminded us how important women are to a child's spiritual life and that we are to make it personal.
* Continue your own spiritual life.
* Cultivate some spiritual practices.
* Conversing with your children about their spirituality.
* Cordially welcome non family guests in your home.
- Ken Icenhower - Is in Baylor with severe heart issues.
- Kim Maxfield - is in PRMC with back issues.
- Lloyd Usry - will have a MRA of the Carotid next Tuesday in Frisco and a Bone Marrow Biopsy at Medical City McKinney on May 20th at 7:00am.
- Ora Henderson is at home recovering from pneumonia.
- Jimmy Faulkner - had a complete body bone scan and NO MORE cancer was found!! He will begin radiation next week along with continued chemo treatments.
- Lindsay McCarter - Broken ankle
- Lloyd Usry - Health
- Susan George - Health
- Lilla Buchanan - Health
- Jay Anthony - Recovering from a stroke.
- Kristi Anthony - Health
- Hugh Anthony - Health
- Lucy Staley - Health
- Laquita Lawrence - Cancer.
- Carl Haggard - Cancer.
- Jackie Helm - Cancer.
- Joy Lowry is recovering from knee surgery.
- Dorothy Pearce - Health
- Peggy Dotson - Health
- Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse.
- Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
- Chris Goggan (Joanne Wood's fiancée) - will be having an MRI fusion biopsy done on May 14th … a month earlier than they were originally told!!!! Please pray for good results.
- Paul McClain - not doing well and back in the hospital at Baylor/Dallas on the transplant floor room 1402.
- Marcelino Rodriquez's mother, Amira, had quadruple by-pass surgery Wednesday. As of this afternoon she was still sedated and in recovery. Doctors said prognosis was good. Marcelino thanks everyone for the prayers on her behalf!
- Gary Callaway (friend of Wayne Kerby) is in Baylor/Plano.
- Robert Wunsch (friend of Derald Bulls) has a twisted intestine. Waiting for more tests to see if he will end up having to return to Wichita Kansas to his colon cancer surgeon.
- Grace McLeroy (John McGee's aunt) recovering from brain tumor surgery.
- Josiah Daniel (my co-worker) - is at home recovering from a fall.
- David Waggoner (lives in Reno) is continuing to be in Baylor/Dallas, with many complications from diabetes.
- Larry Sprinkle (my son) - They are continuing the medication for his heart. Will go back in 3 months for more tests.
- Billy Icenhower - He is back in the hospital with blood pressure problems. He is still in pain, has no appetite and is very weak from the long surgery. Doctors said this could last up to 3 weeks.
- Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's mom) - Cancer.
- Jessie West, friend of Anita Roden, has been placed on hospice. She's at Heritage Nursing Home.
- Susan George's cousin, Dianna Melton, had breast cancer surgery and is waiting to heal before she starts her new treatments.
- Jessica Preston has been diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. She is a beautiful Christian wife, Mommy and daughter of Joanne Wood's precious friend.
- Former LACOC member, Jimmy Newman - Health
- Lonny Parson, local minister, had an aneurysm a few weeks ago. He is in Medical City/Plano in ICU. As of today, he's been in Medical City/Plano for 98 days.
- Lucille Spencer, Jay's mom, is in rehab in Tyler, to get her strength up.
- The Vanderpools - in Haiti
- Prayers for our students and teachers
- Prayers for our military.
- Prayers for our first responders
PANTRY NEEDS: Cereal, crackers, soup, laundry detergent
RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS: (new items only) Boys Shoes (any size), Diaper Wipes, Fleece Blankets
May 13: Monday Movie Night
May 15: Haiti Informational Meeting
May 16: Sewing 4 ChristMay 15: Haiti Informational Meeting
May 19: Senior Sunday
June 5: Church at Lake Crook
June 9: Faithful Readers
June 15: Ladies Night Out
Sept 8: LACOC 150 years Celebration
Love you - MEAN IT!!!
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