Sunday, May 19, 2019

Weekly Update - 5/19

Our 2019 Seniors were honored today with a breakfast with their families and the presentation of their bibles.  
The Seniors and their plans are:

❤ Cody Anthony will be attending Abilene Christian University.
❤ Justin Cannon will be attending Stephen F. Austin University.
❤ Chandler Jones will be attending Oklahoma Christian University.
❤ Kaitlyn McCarter will be joining the Army.
❤ Vershaud Richardson will be attending Arkansas State University.

❤ Hayden Russell will be attending Paris Junior College.

Cody Anthony, Hayden Russell, Chandler Jones, Kaitlyn McCarter, Justin Cannon and Vershaud Russell.

RESPONSE:  Lloyd Usry went forward this morning to ask for prayers for his health.  He'll have a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow morning at Medical City/McKinney.

OUR SYMPTHY:  Barbara Dean's sister, Joie Rowland, from Riverside, California, passed away this past week.  Please keep Barbara and the rest of the family in your prayers.

  • Ken Icenhower - Had 3 stents put in on Wednesday and came through the surgery fine.  He was feeling well enough to be at church this morning.
  • Kim Maxfield - after a very bad fall last Saturday, a CT scan showed she had a L1 compressed vertebrae fracture. She was dismissed from PRMC and has already been to her doctors in Dallas.  It has been recommended that she schedule to have surgery to repair in the near future.
  • Ora Henderson is at home recovering from pneumonia.
  • Jimmy Faulkner - He began radiation, along with continued chemo treatments.
  • Jay Anthony -  Recovering from a stroke.
  • Kristi Anthony - Health
  • Hugh Anthony - Health
  • Lucy Staley - Health
  • Laquita Lawrence - Cancer. 
  • Carl Haggard - Cancer. 
  • Jackie Helm - Cancer.
  • Dorothy Pearce - Health
  • Peggy Dotson - Health
  • Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse.
  • Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
  • Chris Goggan (Joanne Wood's fiancée) - His tests came back positive for cancer.
  • Paul McClain - not doing well and back in the hospital at Baylor/Dallas on the transplant floor room 1402. 
  • Marcelino Rodriquez's mother, Amira, is recovering from quadruple by-pass surgery.
  • Josiah Daniel (my co-worker) - is at home recovering from a fall.
  • David Waggoner (lives in Reno) is continuing to be in Baylor/Dallas, with many complications from diabetes.
  • Larry Sprinkle (my son) - Health
  • Billy Icenhower - He is back in the hospital with blood pressure problems.  He is still in pain, has no appetite and is very weak from the long surgery. Doctors said this could last up to 3 weeks.
  • Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's mom) - Cancer.
  • Jessie West, friend of Anita Roden, has been placed on hospice. She's at Heritage Nursing Home.
  • Lonny Parson, local minister, had an aneurysm a few weeks ago. He is in Medical City/Plano in ICU.  As of today, he's been in Medical City/Plano for 105 days. His wife Linsey has also been in the ER with kidney stones, a stent and a UTI.
  • The Vanderpools - in Haiti
  • Prayers for our students and teachers
  • Prayers for our military.
  • Prayers for our first responders
SIMPLE SUPPER:  Fried Chicken

PANTRY NEEDS:  Cereal, canned fruit, laundry detergent

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS: (new items only) Boys Shoes (any size), Diaper Wipes, Fleece Blankets

May 26:  Sunday PM dismissed
June 5:    Church at Lake Crook
June 9:    Faithful Readers

June 9:    2nd Sunday Sandwich Supper
June 15:  Ladies Night Out
June 16:  Father's Day
June 23:  Youth Dinner and Devo
June 30:  5th Sunday Fellowship
 Sept 8:    LACOC 150 years Celebration

Love you - MEAN IT!!!

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