Thursday, June 20, 2019



Cora Belle Morris is here!  Dusty and Katie welcomed her this morning!  She weighed in at 8lb 10oz and is 20 inches long.
Dusty posted "Maverick is really excited to be a big brother, but at the same time, has no clue what’s going on. 

Our family is perfect and complete now, thanks to a perfect and complete God."
AND... The Morris' are moving to Wills Point! Dusty will be teaching 6th grade Math for Edgewood Middle School. 
Katie posted  "After Cora arrives and I take my leave of absence from work, I will return to work for the month of August only. Meanwhile, Dusty will start things up at EMS.  We are hoping to have all of us fully moved in by September!!"
We're sure going to miss this beautiful family, but they know they will always have a home at LACOC.

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