Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Prayer Requests 6/26

  • Wanda McFadden was taken to prmc yesterday with high blood pressure. She was released today and is resting at home. 
  • Benette Russell is home and feeling better after her stay at the hospital in Fort Worth last Sunday. Her short-term memory is slowly returning. She thanks everyone for their prayers and concerns.
  • Nelda Skinner is in room 464 at prmc with a staph infection. She may go home tomorrow.
  • Dan Roffee's mother Carla Roffee has just been diagnosed with cancer in the lymph nodes she will have surgery soon Dan is flying out Monday to be with her in California.
  • Carol James has broken her knee in two places. She is in a brace right now and thankful that at the moment no surgery is needed.

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