Sunday, June 23, 2019

Weekly Update - 6/23

Summer In The Psalms... Randy spoke to us this morning about  "Living With God", with the text taken from Psalm 15.

I.    A critical question. (15:1)
II.   A challenging answer. (15:2-5a)
III.  A comforting conclusion. (15:5b)

Points to Ponder:
1.  This psalm should cause us to contemplate our theology.
2.  Three basic areas of life are emphasized:
      a. Blameless character
      b. Righteous conduct
      c. Truthful conversation
3.  Reflect on this portrait and take note of your own life.
4.  The "worship" described here moves beyond Sunday to Monday through Saturday.


CONGRATULATIONS:  Spencer and Arianna Jones are proud to announce the arrival of Tennyson Davis Jones was born Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 6:56pm.
Proud grandparents are Kyle and Monica Jones.  Nancy Jones is the very proud GREAT grandmother!!

  • Bennette Russell was with a group of ladies from church, in Fort Worth, this weekend. She had a migraine and it got worse. They took her to Harris Hospital to get checked out. No other details are known at this time.
  • Christopher Hutson will have day surgery on Tuesday morning.
  • Jimmy Faulkner was feeling well enough to be at church today. He was given iron on Monday by iv and will also have one on this coming Monday. He has 8 more radiation treatments, and a round of chemo, that they are hoping to finish up July 3, both ends the same day. 
  • Ozella Lilly continues rehab at PRMC/Room 342.
  • Jennifer Blount - Heart issues.
  • Tanessa Cowan - Health
  • Glen Barnett - Health
  • Lloyd Usry Health
  • Kim Maxfield - Back issues.
  • Ora Henderson - Health
  • Jay Anthony -  Recovering from a stroke.
  • Kristi Anthony - Health
  • Hugh Anthony - Health
  • Lucy Staley - Health
  • Laquita Lawrence - Cancer. 
  • Carl Haggard - Cancer. 
  • Jackie Helm - Cancer.
  • Dorothy Pearce - Health
  • Peggy Dotson - Health
  • Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse.
  • Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
  • Peggy Smith - (Robyn Figgins' Mom) - Health
  • Cheryl Sowle Bilby (former member) has cancer again.
  • Chris Goggan (Joanne Wood's fiancée) - Cancer
  • Paul McClain - Health
  • Billy Icenhower - Continues to have dialysis 3 times a week.  Also trying to increase his energy level as well as his appetite
  • Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's mom) - Cancer.
  • Lonny Parson, local minister, had an aneurysm a few weeks ago. He is in Medical City/Plano in ICU.  As of today, he's been in Medical City/Plano for 140 days.
  • The Vanderpools - in Haiti
  • Prayers for our students and teachers
  • The Haiti Mission Team
  • Prayers for our military.
  • Prayers for our first responders.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Soup - Spaghetti Noodles - Laundry Detergent

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  (New items only) Boys Shoes/any size - Diaper Wipes - Fleece Blankets

SIMPLE SUPPER:  Taking a break for the Summer!

June 24:  Youth Manic Monday
June 25:  KFC Terrific Tuesday
June 26:  Youth Night
June 30:  5th Sunday Fellowship
July 8-9:  Youth Lock-In
July 11:    Youth Kayak Trip
July 21-26:  Youth Mission Trip
Aug 13:  Teacher Appreciation Lunch
Aug 21:  Back To School Bash
Sept 8th:  LACOC 150 Year Celebration

Love you - MEAN IT!

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