Friday, August 16, 2019

Important Haiti Information

The LiveBeyond family has recently suffered a crisis when last Tuesday night our dear friends Solomon and Brian, the LiveBeyond construction manager and base manager, were kidnapped at gunpoint by a gang that works throughout Haiti.
We worked tirelessly with the authorities to gain their release, which occurred on Sunday morning. During the four days of their captivity, there were non-stop prayers being offered up by the people of Thomazeau, the LiveBeyond staff, and the board for their safe release.
We experienced such joy from the Lord as we hugged their necks and celebrated their return. We praise God that He answered our prayers, that the men were returned to us, and the kidnappers brought to justice.
Please join us in a time of thanksgiving to God that the present crisis is over.
We appreciate the US State Department, the US Embassy personnel, the Indian Embassy, and our Washington DC advocacy group for their assistance in this matter.
We ask that you respect Solomon’s and Brian’s time of healing by not contacting them directly. If you would like to send them a message, please send it to, and we will pass them on when the timing is appropriate.
We are canceling teams until the security situation in Haiti improves.
The LiveBeyond base with all of our life-changing programs will continue to operate as usual, and the Gospel will continue to be spread. Please continue to pray for and support these programs which are a source of spiritual encouragement and life for so many Haitians.
May God’s will continue to be done!
Dr. David and Laurie Vanderpool and the rest of the LiveBeyond Team

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