Sunday, August 25, 2019

Weekly Update - 8/25

Randy's lesson today was "Six Attitudes that Make a Difference".

1.  I will be a functioning LACC member.
2.  I will be a unifying LACC member.
3.  LACC will not be about my preferences.
4.  I will pray for LACC
5.  I will lead my family to be a healthy LACC member.
6.  I will treasure LACC membership as a blessing rather than a burden. 

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Additional Announcements Today:
  • Aug 28th:  There will be a hot dog supper at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday night.  Afterwards we will have a clean up night around the church.  There are things that everyone can do.
  • There is a donation box in the foyer for anyone that would like to help with purchase of food/meals for Celebration weekend.
  • Sept 7:  Hamburger supper and Meet and Greet with former members coming in for the 150th Anniversary.  If you can help with meal prep/clean up please see Derald.
  • Sept 7:  Desserts are needed for Meet and Greet.
  • Sept 8:  9am Worship begins.
  • Clint Spencer announced that there will be no trip to Haiti this year, due to the unrest in the country.  There are many other ways we will be able to help.
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WEDDING CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and Mrs. Matt Duren on their recent marriage.  Proud parents are Todd and Angie Duren.

  • Jean O'Neal left church after class this morning. She had became ill. 
  • Cledith Ray had a heart cath this week.  There were no blockages in her heart, but there is a blockage in her carotid artery.
  • Ora Henderson is in PRMC.
  • Wanda McFadden is in PRMC with pneumonia.
  • Bobby Castlebury is in the hospital after falling and some possible kidney/bladder problems.  He has been moved to PRMC/Room 310. 
  • Glenn and Joy Barnett are both having neck/back issues. They both had appointments in Tyler last week.Glenn will be having surgery on his vertebra on October 3rd. Joy will be having injections in her neck and physical therapy.
  • Karen Cato - Recovering from foot surgery.
  • Diane McFadden Health
  • Bobby Salter - Continues to have knee problems, after an accident a few years ago.
  • Debra Gage - Health
  • Charles Richards - Health
  • Leston Maggard - Health
  • Jay and Kristi Anthony -  Health
  • Ozella Lilly - Stillhouse
  • Janelle Green - Stillhouse
  • Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse.
  • Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
  • Brad Smith, Robyn Figgins' brother - health
  • Kimberly Roberts, a friend of Linda Easton - health
  • Debra Metzger will be having a series of brain surgeries.
  • Dustin Smith, Haley Bulls-Smith's husband, is having IV antibiotics daily. 
  • Cooper Bell, 7-year-old son of Jerimy and Staci Bell of Roxton, continues to recover at home, after a 4 wheeler accident. He will be continuing to see the doctors there in preparation for the skin grafts.
  • Anita Kay Puckett has two brain aneurysms. She is in Medical City/Plano. 
  • Larry Sprinkle, my son, will be having the dual defibrillator/pacemaker implanted on Sept 3.
  • Paul McClain - Health. 
  • Billy Icenhower is doing better.  
  • The Vanderpools - in Haiti
  • Prayers for our military.
  • Prayers for our first responders.
  • Prayers for students, teachers, and school bus drivers.

  • Tanessa Cowan
  • Jimmy Faulkner 
  • Carl Haggard
  • Jackie Helm 
  • Laquita Lawrence
  • Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's Mom)
  • Karla Roffee (Dan's Mom)
  • Cheryl Sowle Bilby (former member)
  • Cherry Walker
  • Dr. Robert Zimmerman

MEN'S BREAKFAST:  Please sign up at the Welcome Center if you plan to attend the Men's Breakfast on Sept 3.  David Ballard will be speaking.

LADIES NIGHT OUT:  Sept 14 at 6pm will be the next LNO!  Mark your calendars now!  More information to come. See table just under the Women's Ministry Board for class options and sign up.

WEDNESDAY LADIES BIBLE CLASSES will resume on Sept 4th at 10am.  
There will be a potluck salad luncheon at 11am on this date. Both classes will join together for the meal.

9/8 DON'T BE LATE: Beginning Sunday, Sept 8th, Worship will be at 9am and classes will be at 10:30am.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  Taking a break for the Summer!

Aug 28:  Churchwide Service Project
Sept 1:    Promotion Sunday
Sept 3:    Men's Breakfast
Sept 4:    Ladies Bible Class resumes
Sept 7:    Meet/Greet guests who will be coming in for 150 Year Celebration on Sunday
Sept 8:    LACOC 150 Year Celebration
Sept 8:    9am Worship/10:30am Class begins
Sept 15:  Faithful Readers
Sept 15:  Life Groups begin
Sept 28:  Young @ Heart Event

Love you - MEAN IT!

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