Sunday, September 22, 2019

Weekly Update - 9/22

"Waiting for the Promise"
Acts 1:12-26

1.  Idleness is not an option.
2.  Be obedient.
3.  Gather together.
4.  Remain united.
5.  Persevere in prayer.
6.  Be attentive to scripture.
7.  Commit to "communitas".  Communitas is a Latin noun commonly referring either to an unstructured community in which people are equal, or to the very spirit of community.


  • Randy will start a three-part sermon series, on October 13th, in preparation of LACOC choosing new Elders.


  • Former member Jordan Thielman's Mom, Judy Stephens, passed away last week.  Her service was held on Saturday.
  • Justin Strawn, Dad of Carolyn Gibson, a member at Pattonville, passed away on Friday.  His service was held this afternoon.
  • Anita Roden asked for prayers for her son, Ward Hall and his family. Also, her brother Clifford Franklin has been diagnosed with lymphoma. He's already started chemo treatments. It has NOT spread to his bones.

  • Mack Ray - Is in Baylor/Plano, will have heart surgery at 4:30 Monday afternoon.
  • Nancy Jones had hernia repair surgery, in Waco. It was more extensive than they thought it would be. 
  • Linda Erwin - Continuing to recover from knee surgery.
  • Daisy Redding - Health
  • Cynthia Norris - On dialysis. She is at home now.
  • Marge Norlin - Health
  • Jean O'Neal - Health 
  • Ora Henderson - Health
  • Glenn and Joy Barnett are both having neck/back issues. Glenn will be having surgery on his vertebra on October 3rd. Joy will be having injections in her neck and physical therapy.
  • Karen Cato - Recovering from foot surgery.
  • Charles Richards - Health
  • Leston Maggard - Health
  • Jay and Kristi Anthony -  Health
  • Wanda McFadden has been moved to Heritage, Room 304.
  • Bobby Castlebury Stillhouse.
  • Ozella Lilly - Stillhouse
  • Janelle Green - Stillhouse
  • Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse.
  • Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
  • Audrey Faires Gillean had an emergency appendectomy this afternoon. 
  • Brian and Cheryl Perry are neighbors/friends of the Durens. Brian has been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma.
  • Crystal McFadden - recovering from surgery this past Monday in Plano.
  • David Gillean, the father-in-law of Audrey, is in the hospital in Dallas. His health is declining.
  • Betsy Mills' friend, Sue Skay Abruscato - Health
  • Teresa Allen's cousin, Sabrina Veuleman - Health 
  • Traci Mahar is the wife of one of Derald Bulls' PJC coworkers - Health 
  • Derald Bulls' friend Dorothy White - Health
  • Debra Metzger will be having a series of brain surgeries.
  • Dustin Smith, Haley Bulls-Smith's husband - Health
  • Joseph Filkins, my co-worker Delona Swaim's fiancee is in UT Hospital/Tyler having IV antibiotics after an abscess was found on his spine. He's had more complications this week.
  • Cooper Bell, the 7-year-old son of Jerimy and Staci Bell of Roxton, continues to recover at home, after a 4 wheeler accident. 
  • Billy Icenhower is doing better.  
  • The Vanderpools - in Haiti (It was so good to see David and Laurie today!!)
  • Prayers for our military.
  • Prayers for our first responders.
  • Prayers for students, teachers, and school bus drivers.

  • Sonja Carter (friend of Lesa Bulls)
  • Tanessa Cowan
  • Jimmy Faulkner 
  • Carl Haggard
  • Jackie Helm 
  • Laquita Lawrence
  • Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's Mom)
  • Karla Roffee (Dan's Mom)
  • Cheryl Sowle Bilby (former member)
  • Cherry Walker
  • Dr. Robert Zimmerman

  • LADIES RETREAT will be Feb 21-22 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Texarkana.  Laurie Stallings Vanderpool will be our speaker. Mark your calendars now and watch for more information to come about our exciting weekend together.

    PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Vegetables - Canned Fruit - Boxed Cereal - Paper Towels - Toilet Paper 

    RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Diapers - Size 2 and 4.  Diaper Wipes. Lice Kits.

    SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Cavatini.  $3/per person.
    If you didn't sign up on Sunday morning and want to join us, call the church office and reserve your spot.

    Sept 28: Young @ Heart Event
    Sept 28-29: Youth CDR Retreat
    Sept 29:  5th Sunday Fellowship
    Oct 1:  Men's Breakfast - Randy Johns will speak
    Oct 12: Foster Care Night Out
    Oct 13:  Faithful Readers
    Oct 26:  Ladies Brunch
    Nov 8-9: Family Retreat
    Feb 21-22: Ladies Retreat

    Love you - MEAN IT!!!

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