Sunday, September 8, 2019

Weekly Update - 9/8

"You Will Be My Witnesses!"
 Acts 1:1-11.

I.     Preface (1:1-2)
II.   Proof (1:3)
III.  Plan (1:4-8)
IV.  Promise (1:9-11)

1.  We are rooted in what Jesus said and did.
2.  We are rooted in a resurrected Lord.
3.  We are rooted in a mission.
4.  We are rooted in a focused mission

1.  A Church on Mission:
     a. Assumes the Gospel Locally and Globally
     b. Announces the Gospel Locally and Globally
     c. Activates the Gospel Locally and Globally

2.  A Christian on Mission
     a. Gathers and Scatters
     b. Invites and Infiltrates
     c. Talk and Walks



  • Linda Erwin - Will have a partial knee replacement on Monday (9/9) at Presbyterian/Rockwall.
  • Daisy Redding - Was in Medical City this past week. She felt well enough to be with us today.
  • Cynthia Norris - She is in PRMC/Room 530. They implanted her port and started her on dialysis.
  • Marge Norlin - Pneumonia
  • Jean O'Neal - Health 
  • Cledith Ray- Heart health
  • Ora Henderson is in PRMC.
  • Wanda McFadden is in PRMC.
  • Bobby Castlebury - He's been moved to Stillhouse.
  • Glenn and Joy Barnett are both having neck/back issues. Glenn will be having surgery on his vertebra on October 3rd. Joy will be having injections in her neck and physical therapy.
  • Karen Cato - Recovering from foot surgery.
  • Diane McFadden Health
  • Bobby Salter - Continues to have knee problems, after an accident a few years ago.
  • Debra Gage - Health
  • Charles Richards - Health
  • Leston Maggard - Health
  • Jay and Kristi Anthony -  Health
  • Ozella Lilly - Stillhouse
  • Janelle Green - Stillhouse
  • Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse.
  • Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
  • Larry Sprinkle, my son, continues to recover at home from surgery this past week.
  • Betsy Mills' friend, Sue Skay Abruscato tripped over one of her dogs and broke her shoulder as well as further down her arm.  She also has a fracture in her opposing knee.  She went back to the hospital for respiratory issues, and Friday they moved her to ICU, as she has had complete kidney failure.
  • Teresa Allen's cousin, Sabrina Veuleman, gave birth to a baby girl this week in Houston.  Baby Calista had some oxygen issues and has been in the NICU.  Sabrina had many complications and is in ICU.   
  • Traci Mahar is the wife of one of Derald Bulls' PJC coworkers. She received a disturbing diagnosis last week and her husband, Eddie, asked that we pray for them and the days ahead. 
  • Derald Bulls' friend Dorothy White - Health
  • Sandy Martin, Faye Hanley's daughter-in-law - Health
  • Kimberly Roberts, a friend of Linda Easton - health
  • Debra Metzger will be having a series of brain surgeries.
  • Dustin Smith, Haley Bulls-Smith's husband, had a CT scan this week and will have a doctors appointment to follow to see how his infection/fungus/bacteria is improving. He has at least two more weeks of IV anabiotic's. If we're lucky, he will then go on a year of oral antibiotics. 
  • Joseph Filkins, my co-worker Delona Swaim's fiancee is in UT Hospital/Tyler having IV antibiotics after an abscess was found on his spine. 
  • Cooper Bell, 7-year-old son of Jerimy and Staci Bell of Roxton, continues to recover at home, after a 4 wheeler accident. 
  • Billy Icenhower is doing better.  
  • The Vanderpools - in Haiti (It was so good to see David and Laurie today!!)
  • Prayers for our military.
  • Prayers for our first responders.
  • Prayers for students, teachers, and school bus drivers.

  • Sonja Carter (friend of Lesa Bulls)

  • Tanessa Cowan

  • Jimmy Faulkner 

  • Carl Haggard

  • Jackie Helm 

  • Laquita Lawrence

  • Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's Mom)
  • Karla Roffee (Dan's Mom)
  • Cheryl Sowle Bilby (former member)
  • Cherry Walker
  • Dr. Robert Zimmerman

  • MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE:  Tomorrow nights movie will be "The Magic of Belle Isle".
    Join us at 6:45pm for the movie. There's FREE admission, FREE popcorn!  Bring your friends!

    WEDDING SHOWER for Matt and Keri Duren will be Sept. 22nd at 1:30pm. Their selections are at Find Keri Fidone and Matthew Duren's registry.

    PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Vegetables and Canned Fruit

    RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Diapers - Size 2 and 4.  Diaper Wipes. Lice Kits.

    SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is CHICKEN SPAGHETTI.  $3/per person.
    If you didn't sign up on Sunday morning and want to join us, call the church office and reserve your spot.


    Sept 9:  Monday Movie Night
    Sept 14: Ladies Night Out
    Sept 15: Life Groups begin meeting
    Sept 22: Duren Wedding Shower
    Sept 28: Young @ Heart Event
    Sept 29:  5th Sunday Fellowship
    Oct 13: Faithful Readers
    Love you - MEAN IT!!!

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