Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mid-Week Prayer Requests - 10/23

  • Bobbi Fulbright had triple bypass surgery in Dallas last week.  She is home now and doing well!
  • Nancy Jones dropped something on her foot and broke it! She will have surgery soon.
  • Please don't forget to put a card in the basket in the library for Naomi Bassett.  We hope to shower her dozens of cards!!!  We will celebrate with her NEXT Wednesday during our Simple Supper.
  • We have only one Sunday left of our Book Drive for Live Beyond. Please make plans to stop by the table Sunday and purchase the books that you want to send over. We are still trying to meet our goal of 500!!!  We can do this with your help!
  • If you plan to attend the next Young @ Heart event, please call the office to reserve your tickets. We are going to the Greenville Municipal Auditorium on December 14th, to listen to the Vocal Majority as we did a few years ago. It was a great performance!

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