Sunday, October 20, 2019

Weekly Update - 10/20

"An Elder Is A Man Of Character"
(1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9)

The qualities listed have to do with character, habits, and personality.

A Man and His Fundamental Relationships:
  1.  As to others
  2.  As to his family
  3.  As to God and His word
  4.  As to things
  5.  As to himself

Bottom Line:
  1.  He is a man of highest character, respect, and integrity.
  2.  He is not a perfect man, but beyond criticism and blame.
  3.  He is a man of God you are willing to trust and follow.


RESPONSE:  Donna Moseley asked for prayers for her continued struggles with health and finances.

  • Glenn Barnett was at worship this morning. He said he's feeling well.
  • Alexis Cowan - Health
  • Peggy Wright - PRMC/Rehab - she is doing better.
  • Mack Ray - Is doing great
  • Cynthia Norris - On dialysis. 
  • Marge Norlin - Is back in Paris and doing well.
  • Jean O'Neal - Health 
  • Ora Henderson - Health
  • Charles Richards - Health
  • Leston Maggard - Health
  • Jay and Kristi Anthony -  Health
  • Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse
  • Bobby Castlebury Stillhouse.
  • David Gillean, the father-in-law of Audrey, is doing better and has been moved to the Clarksville Nursing Home/Rehab.
  • Janelle Green - Stillhouse
  • Ozella Lilly - Stillhouse
  • Wanda McFadden  - Heritage
  • Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
  • Pat Goolsby, Carole Anderson's friend - Is now on hospice.
  • Joseph Filkins, my co-worker Delona Swaim's fiancee is in a rehab facility in Pittsburg and is getting better each day.
  • Cooper Bell, the 7-year-old son of Jerimy and Staci Bell of Roxton, continues to recover at home, after a 4 wheeler accident. Was cleared by the doctor to go back to school. He is still in a wheelchair.
  • Billy Icenhower is doing better.  
  • The Vanderpools - in Haiti 
  • Prayers for our military.
  • Prayers for our first responders.
  • Prayers for students, teachers, and school bus drivers.
  • Sonja Carter (friend of Lesa Bulls)
  • Tanessa Cowan
  • Jimmy Faulkner 
  • Carl Haggard
  • Grady Harper (neighbor of Claude and Mary Jones)
  • Jackie Helm 
  • Laquita Lawrence
  • Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's Mom)
  • Karla Roffee (Dan's Mom)
  • Cheryl Sowle Bilby (former member)
  • Cherry Walker
  • Robert Wunch (Derald Bulls' friend)
  • Dr. Robert Zimmerman

PANTRY NEEDS:  Hot or Dry Cereals - Crackers - Laundry or Dish Soap - Paper Towels

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Warm clothes for older kids and teens (like sweatshirts and sweatpants)

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Faught Chicken Spaghetti. $3/per person.
If you didn't sign up on Sunday morning and want to join us, call the church office and reserve your spot.

Oct 21:  Monday Night Movie Night
Oct 26:  Ladies Brunch
Oct 30:  100th Birthday Party for Naomi Bassett
Nov 5:   Men's Breakfast
Nov 8-9: Family Retreat
Dec 1:   Cowan Wedding Shower
Dec 14: Young at Heart to see Vocal Majority in Greenville
Jan 19:  Denman Wedding Shower
Feb 21-22: Ladies Retreat

Love you - MEAN IT!!!

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