Sunday, October 27, 2019

Weekly Update - 10/27

Conclusion of the Series:  "A Noble Task"
"An Elder Is a Man of Capability"

I.     What Elders Do:  A look at the New Testament to see what Elders were doing.
II.    Implications for Today
III.  The Way "NOT" to Do These Things (1 Peter 5:3)
IV.  When Is A Man Ready to Be an Elder?

"To all of you" (1 Peter 5:5b)
   1.   Mutual Submission
   2.   Mutual Humility
   3.   Mutual Grace

      1.   God's church needs faithful leaders.
      2.   God's church needs faithful followers of those faithful leaders.
      3.   We must be intentional about developing both


  • Our sweet sister, Wanda McFadden, passed away Friday afternoon.  Please keep Patricia and the family in your prayers.  Graveside services will be held Tuesday at 1pm at the Pavilion at Evergreen Cemetary.
  • Carole Anderson's best friend, Pat Goolsby, passed away this past week.
  • Continue to remember the family and firefighter family of  Slade Baker in your prayers as they continue to grieve the sudden passing of their son/brother/friend. His funeral services were this past Thursday in Louisiana.
  • Cynthia Norris asked for prayers for her health, the death of her mother-in-law and in need of help cleaning the property to be sold.   
  • Bobbie Fulbright  - Had triple by-pass surgery last week, in Dallas.  She is home and feeling well.
  • Jerry Raper - Pneumonia
  • Ora Henderson - Is back in PRMC.
  • Nancy Jones - Has broken her foot - will have surgery soon.
  • Donna Moseley - Health
  • Charlie Mae Harris - Health
  • Glenn Barnett - healing from surgery.
  • Cynthia Norris - On dialysis. 
  • Marge Norlin - Health
  • Jean O'Neal - Health 
  • Charles Richards - Health
  • Leston Maggard - Health
  • Jay and Kristi Anthony -  Health
  • Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse
  • Bobby Castlebury Stillhouse.
  • David Gillean (the father-in-law of Audrey) Clarksville Nursing Home/Rehab.
  • Janelle Green - Stillhouse
  • Ozella Lilly - Stillhouse
  • Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
  • Crystal McFadden was re-admitted to the hospital in Plano on Friday.
  • PRAISE!!!!  Joseph Filkins, my co-worker Delona Swaim's fiancee ... he has finally been released from 
  • Cooper Bell, the 7-year-old son of Jerimy and Staci Bell of Roxton, continues to recover at home, after a 4 wheeler accident. Was cleared by the doctor to go back to school. He is still in a wheelchair.
  • Billy Icenhower is doing better.  
  • The Vanderpools - in Haiti 
  • Prayers for our military.
  • Prayers for our first responders.
  • Prayers for students, teachers, and school bus drivers.
  • Sonja Carter (friend of Lesa Bulls)
  • Tanessa Cowan
  • Jimmy Faulkner 
  • Carl Haggard - More cancer has been found.
  • Grady Harper (neighbor of Claude and Mary Jones)
  • Jackie Helm 
  • Laquita Lawrence
  • Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's Mom)
  • Karla Roffee (Dan's Mom)
  • Cheryl Sowle Bilby (former member)
  • Cherry Walker
  • Robert Wunch (Derald Bulls' friend)
  • Dr. Robert Zimmerman

PANTRY NEEDS:  Hot or Dry Cereals - Crackers - Canned Vegetables - Laundry or Dish Soap - Paper Towels

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Warm clothes for older kids and teens (like sweatshirts and sweatpants)

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Beef Stew. $3/per person.
If you didn't sign up on Sunday morning and want to join us, call the church office and reserve your spot.

Oct 30:  100th Birthday Party for Naomi Bassett
Nov 5:   Men's Breakfast
Nov 8-9: Family Retreat
Nov 13: Blood Drive
Nov 16: DHS Gang Fish Fry
Dec 1:   Cowan Wedding Shower
Dec 14: Young at Heart to see Vocal Majority in Greenville
Jan 19:  Denman Wedding Shower
Feb 21-22: Ladies Retreat

Love you - MEAN IT!!!

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