Thursday, February 13, 2020

Mid-Week Prayer Requests - 2/13

  • Alan Boyd is in the hospital in Tyler and had surgery yesterday to drain a spot in his abdomen and redirect his shunt. 
  • Herchel McClain continues to be in PRMC/Rehab and hoping to go home soon.
  • Peggy Dotson fell at home and fractured her left shoulder. She was taken to the ER and discovered she has several stress fractures and compressed discs.  She was not admitted, but is home recovering.
  • Dorothy Pearce is still home recovering from a fractured pelvis.  She is very concerned about her sister, Peggy.
  • Kim Maxfield is continuing to heal from her sinus surgery.
  • Continue to remember Jimmy Faulkner.

DON'T FORGET... Blood Drive NEXT Wednesday. Sign up or show up and donate!

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