Thursday, February 27, 2020

Mid-Week Update - 2/28

  • Claude Jones was in good spirits when Randy visited him on Tuesday.
  • Dianna Welch is still having blood pressure issues and they have not rescheduled her shoulder surgery.
  • Carol Murphy had surgery on her shoulder Tuesday. She is home doing well.
  • Alan Boyd is still in Tyler hospital. His surgery is scheduled for 7:15 a.m. this Friday. Earliest possible discharge will be next Monday.  He is ready to be home!!!
  • Charles Richards is in Medical City/Plano and was to have surgery yesterday. Haven't heard results yet.
  • Ed Bullard was released from the hospital and is home now. He had a stress test yesterday and won't know results until next Monday.
  • Aileen Castlebury is scheduled to go home this week.
  • Herchell McClain is doing fairly well, but still has a long way to go, according to Lee.  Specific prayer is for his strength to build up.

DHS GANG will be having another get together on March 7th at 6 p.m. at Randy and Loree Johns. Sign up is at the Welcome Center.

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