Sunday, February 2, 2020

Weekly Update - 2/2

"Come, Let Us Go up to the Mountain of the Lord"
(Micah 4)

I.     Pronouncement of Renewal (4:1-5)
II.    Prediction of Restoration (4_:6-8)
III.  Promise of Redemption (4:9-13)

Points to Ponder:
1.  Micah's oracle is indicative of the church.
2.  God continues to redeem through Jesus.
3.  We, too, must walk in the name of the Lord forever.

Have we climbed our mountain?


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  Randy asked that we give our thoughts about the switch of classes and worship to the Elders. 


  • Herchell McClain - was admitted to PRMC this week and is now in Rehab.
  • Ken and Kim Maxfield are both having health issues. Kim will have surgery this Thursday in Dallas.
  • Charles Richards - Is having painful spine and neck issues.
  • Cynthia Norris - Health
  • Fran Tippit - Health
  • Eddie George - Health
  • Claude Jones - Health
  • Dianna Welch - Health
  • Jerry Raper - Health
  • Ora Henderson - Health
  • Leston Maggard - Health
  • Jay and Kristi Anthony -  Health
  • Remember the teachers and students.
  • Please remember the homeless.
  • First Responders
  • Military
  • Barbara Adams - Stillhouse
  • Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse
  • Bobby Castlebury Stillhouse
  • Aileen Castlebury - Stillhouse
  • Janelle Green - Paris Chalet #113
  • Ozella Lilly - Stillhouse
  • Dorothy Pearce - Stillhouse 
  • Mary Ann Williams (Lesa Clarkson's Mom) - Spring Lake
  • Peggy Wright - Pine Tree Assisted Living - Room 10

  • Michael Delaney (Hugh Anthony's son-in-law) has suffered a stroke.
  • Forest McBride (Joy Lowry's brother) will have carotid artery surgery in Dallas this week.
  • Lisa Tenberge (Lucy Staley's niece) - Health
  • Neil Collard - Health 
  • Alexis Harper - Health
  • Carmen Shadden - Health
  • Mark Stribling (my friend) - Was in PRMC this week (4th time this month).
  • Casey Pool (friend of the Usry's) has pneumonia and on life support. 
  • Karol Davis (friend of the Bulls') - Health
  • Bobby Johns (Randy John's Dad) - Is in rehab in Ada now.
  • Former member, Judy Brockway (Howerton) -  Recovering from a fall.
  • Allen Ballard - Larry Ballard's nephew - Was in a serious auto accident. He is in Medical City/Plano.
  • Corey Townsend - He is in the last stages of brain cancer. He is now in Heritage on hospice.
  • WH and Aileen Bequette - Jill Faires' parents - Health
  • Billy Icenhower - Health
  • The Vanderpools, LiveBeyond Team and the Haitian people.
  • Jimmy Faulkner - is having problems with his blood pressure being too low. He sees his lung doctor again on Monday.
  • Carl Haggard - Is back at home after 6 days in UT Southwestern/ICU. He welcomes visitors.
  • Jackie Helm
  • Laquita Lawrence
  • Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's Mom)
  • Cherry Walker

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Meat / Grape Jelly / Laundry Pods / Dish Soap

Warm clothes for older kids and teens (like sweatshirts and sweatpants)

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree will be Potato Soup

Feb 4:  Men's Breakfast - John Cannon will be the speaker
Feb 8:  DHS Gang Get-Together
Feb 9:  Faithful Readers
Feb 19:  Blood Drive
Feb 21-22: Ladies Retreat
Feb 23:  Youth Dinner and Devo
Mar 4 - Spring Quarter starts with new Wednesday night classes
Mar 9-13:  Spring Break

Love you - MEAN IT!!!

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