Sunday, March 1, 2020

Weekly Update 3/1

"The Lord's Prayer: An Introduction"
A Model For Our Lives

(Matthew 6:5-8)
  1. When "acts of righteousness" are done, we must have the right motive and the right audience.  (Why and who are we praying to?)
  2. Our "acts of righteousness" are to come as a response from within our relationship with God.
    (Close the door of distraction.)
  3. Follow the example of early 2nd century Christians - recite the Lord's Prayer three times a day.
    (Say it out loud.)
  4. But, don't neglect the power of spontaneous prayer.
    (Neh. 2:1-5)
  5. Understand that prayer, especially the Lord's Prayer, is not for getting what we want but rather accepting what God wants.

  • Claude Jones - Continues to be in PRMC - is in good spirits!
  • Dianna Welch is still having blood pressure issues and they have not rescheduled her shoulder surgery.
  • Carol Murphy had surgery on her shoulder Tuesday. She is home doing well.
  • Alan Boyd is still in Tyler hospital. His surgery is scheduled for 7:15 a.m. this Friday. Earliest possible discharge will be next Monday.  He is ready to be home!!!
  • Charles Richards is in Medical City/Plano and was to have surgery on Wednesday.
  • Ed Bullard was released from the hospital and is home now. He had a stress test yesterday and won't know results until Monday (3/2).
  • Aileen Castlebury - was to have gone home this week.
  • Herchell McClain is doing fairly well, but still has a long way to go, according to Lee.  Specific prayer is for his strength to build up.
  • Cynthia Hutson is recovering from shoulder surgery.
  • Vivian Hicks (Cynthia's aunt) is in PRMC/Room 505 with health issues. 
  • Eddie George - The nuclear stress test 2 weeks ago showed some blockage. Today he had a heart cath in Paris. One artery had blockage and required a stent. 
  • Loretta Nabors had a heart cath Monday morning. There were NO blockages!!  
  • Shanda Burgess - Health
  • Bobby Salter - Health
  • Peggy Dotson is still recovering from her fractured left shoulder and several stress fractures in her back.  She's really having a hard time getting around with her arm in a sling and her ankle still banged up. She would appreciate prayers and maybe a visit or a meal, but please check with her first.
  • Dorothy Pearce is recovering from a fractured pelvis.  Please pray for healing.
  • Kim Maxfield is continuing to heal from her sinus surgery.
  • Robert Wilson - Health
  • Cynthia Norris - Health
  • Ora Henderson - Health
  • Leston Maggard - Health
  • Jay and Kristi Anthony -  Health
  • Remember the teachers and students.
  • Please remember the homeless.
  • First Responders
  • Military
  • Barbara Adams - Stillhouse
  • Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse
  • Bobby Castlebury Stillhouse
  • Janelle Green - Paris Chalet #113
  • Ozella Lilly - Stillhouse
  • Mary Ann Williams (Lesa Clarkson's Mom) - Spring Lake
  • Peggy Wright - Pine Tree Assisted Living - Room 10

  • Bill Bass (local business man) will be having surgery on Thursday in Dallas. He has esophageal cancer.
  • Aaron Marsters (Sherry's son) has been diagnosed with Cronic Myeloid Leukemia this past week. He's 28 years old with a wife and a 1 year old daughter.
  • Neil Collard - Health 
  • Karol Davis (friend of the Bulls') - Health
  • Bobby Johns (Randy John's Dad) - Continues to be in rehab in Ada. 
  • Billy Icenhower - Health
  • The Vanderpools, LiveBeyond Team and the Haitian people.

  • Jimmy Faulkner - His left lung was so damaged by radiation, the infection is not moving out of the lung. Trying further medication, and treatments, 
  • Carl Haggard - Is at home.
  • Jackie Helm
  • Laquita Lawrence
  • Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's Mom)
  • Cherry Walker

PANTRY NEEDS:  Grape Jelly / Cereal (hot or cold) / Laundry Pods / Dish Soap

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Little girls and teens panties and little boys socks and underwear.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree will be Battered Fish Filets

Mar 3:  Men's Breakfast - Dan Roffee will be the speaker. 
Mar 7:  Security Team Training - 10a-12p - Maxey Gun Club
Mar 8:  Sunday School back to 9am and Worship at 10am
Mar 8:  Youth Game Day
Mar 8:  Faithful Readers
Mar 8:  Sunday Sandwich Supper
Mar 4 - Spring Quarter starts with new Wednesday night classes
Mar 9-13:  Spring Break
Mar 14:  Ladies Brunch at Maggie Kerby's
Mar 17:  Young @ Heart Event
Mar 22:  Youth Dinner and Devo
Mar 27-29:  JH Camp Deer Run Retreat
Apr 19:  Beckmon Wedding Shower

Love you - MEAN IT!!!

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