Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Update on Dianna Welch 8/5

Lindsay McCarter posted this update on her mom: Rough night and morning. BUT praising Him in this storm and we are so thankful for all the people praying for her! God is so good! Dr Singh came in and said she is so sick (vomiting and diarrhea) bc of the ultra powerful antibiotics he had her in bc he wasn’t sure what kind of infection she has (we thought there were 2, but praise God only ONE). One of her blood tests showed something that wasn’t there the next time so he said it was a contaminated test. Sooo...he is changing antibiotic to now treat just the one infection she has which is E-coli! She is still septic. She got up and did her PT for the first time and did well! Resting now. Keep praying!

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