Monday, September 7, 2020

Prayer Request 9/7

Please keep Stephanie Bryan's brother Sheradon Carter and his daughter Kristi in your prayers. Kristi posted this amazing account of the accident:

Photos below.

As most of you have already Dad and I went down in his Stearman Saturday afternoon. We were 2 hours into our trip to deliver the Stearman to its new owner...had stopped and fueled up...plane flew fine...then just lost power as we were taking off. My dad tried to turn to land back on the runway and the plane tried to spiral down so we had no choice but to flatten her out and go straight into some unforgiving pine trees. It was very scary for the both of us and we are just thankful to be alive. God was with us and said He wasn't done with us yet!! Dad flew it to the ground and in doing that..took mad blows to his face. He had his bottom teeth knocked out, top broke off and nearly took his lip off and chin. He has a lot of healing to do and oral surgery that has to be done. I had my right safety harness and lap strap on which kept me in. The force of hitting those pine trees was rough and i thought we were never gonna get through them and stopped. When the plane stopped dad had bled so much from behind me on the back of my was all in my face, in my hair, in my eys...everywhere. my dad was hollering asking if i was okay..i turned and he seen me with blood all over me and it scared him cause he thought i had hurt my face. He tried at that instant to get to me fast as he could and fell from his seat...hit the wing..he held onto the wing and kicked his legs around and got down. I then got out.. i do not even remember how...and hurt so bad i was blacking out...i sat on the ground...and started trying to get myself together to try to able to call dad realized at that point he was hurt..really bad...and so was i and needed to get us out of the woods..full of thorns and thistles. If it wasn't for my dad...i dont think i would have made it out....seeing his strength for me while he was obviously not okay gave me the strength to get up and walked outta there. Thank God for the the 2 highway patrol who came in after us and lead us out the right direction where an ambulance arrived within a few minutes of us coming outta the woods. I want to say thank you to Rickey King who saw it all happen and got us help...cause that was my goal..get outta the woods to help...and he had them there when we came out and was coming in after us. We had made friends with Ricky just in the short time of us landing and fueling up and so i knew when i was trying to get out with my dad...that he was comin for us with help...thats one of the things that kept me strong enough while my body was wanting to sit down and give up. I wanna say thank you to the EMS/Paramedics that took care of my dad and I. I felt in good hands the entire time and they brought us to the best hospital around so we could get the very best care. Thank you to the firemen who came and assisted and kept the slew of people away so we could get care. Thank you to all the people at the airport who saw and immediately went into action πŸ₯ΊπŸ’œπŸ’œ We are forever grateful for the love and support all have given us! I am posting pictures because this is real life. I am blessed to have bruising and one spot that needed stitches. God was definitely with us. I am very proud of my dad...he saved us both...and I wouldn't have made it without him thereπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ Special thank you to my sister for all the help she has done for us, my mom for helping with whatever we need and aunts/uncles and grandma for making sure we dont need anything πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ Thank you for all those who have checked up on us and been there!! We appreciate all of it!

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