Prayer Request - 10/30

Charlotte Grooms posted this update: I had a knot to come up above my left elbow in May. Had MRI and now have had a biopsy. Got results today and was diagnosed as soft tissue sarcoma. I will begin 5 weeks of radiation. I will be having a bone scan tomorrow and a PET scan soon. Pray all goes well. Kenneth just finished up radiation for lung cancer on Monday. This hasn't been our year!

UPDATE TODAY:  Bone scan came back clear. Now for the MRI on Tuesday and PET scan Friday. Keep prayers coming.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Prayer Request - 10/28

Please keep Cheryl Sowle Bilby in your prayers. She received a call today with the news that her cancer has returned.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Prayer Requests 10/25

What a great Sunday!!
Our first meeting at the building!
It felt like going home!!!

Dwayne Parson fell and broke his back a few weeks ago. 
Don Lawrence is recovering from knee surgery. 
Bill and Anne Sanders are recovering from Covid.
Doug and Karen Cato have recovered from Covid.
Bill Golden had surgery and is having complications. He is Elda Frances' brother.
Kathy Grigsby's daughter Shonda had a heart attack this past week.

Continue to remember those who have lost family members this week:
Dustin Blount's dad, Benny Blount, was laid to rest on Friday.
Donna McGee's mom, Jeanie Lamb's, service will be tomorrow at 2pm at the Evergreen outdoor chapel.

Update on Marsha Ford - 10/23

Peggy Dotson posted this message: Please continue to pray for my daughter, Marsha Ford, in South Dakota. She is still in the hospital, until next week, when they run another test. This has been going on for so long, pray for strength as well as healing. Thank you!

Services for Jeanie Lamb...

Our condolences to the McGee family on the passing of Donna’s mother, Jeanie Lamb, earlier today. Please keep this family in your prayers as they mourn the loss of their precious mom, grandmother and great grandmother. A graveside service has been set for Monday, October 26, 2020 at 2:00 PM at Evergreen Cemetery Chapel with Rev. Charles Wallace and family members officiating. The family will receive friends thirty minutes prior to the service time at the cemetery.

Our Sympathy...

Our condolences to the Blount family on the passing of Dustin's father, Benny Blount, this week. Funeral services have been set for Saturday, October 24th at 10:00 AM at Fry-Gibbs Funeral Home. Interment is set for 4:00 PM at Roselawn Cemetery in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. The family will receive friends on Friday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Fry-Gibbs Funeral Home. Please keep this family in your prayers during this time and as they travel to Arkansas for the burial.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Prayer Request 10/22

My friend Kathy Nutt Johnson posted this message: 
Reaching out .....Please put 
Debra Nutt-Killian on your prayer list @ church !!! I know God will hear our prayers !! We would appreciate it very much !!!

Our Sympathy...

Jeannie Lamb, Mother of Donna McGee, passed away today.
Please keep Donna and her family in your prayers.

No other details are known at this time.

Prayer Request 10/22

Derald Bulls also sent this message:  Tony Clark was taken from the hospital here in Paris to Baylor Scott and White downtown Dallas earlier this week. He has pneumonia and other complications.

Prayer Request - 10/23

Derald Bulls sent this message:  Shawn Jordan is in the hospital with Covid and is currently on bi-pap.  His wife Vicki is an optician at Pavilion Optical.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Guidelines for worship this Sunday

Dear Lamar Avenue Family,

The elders and ministers have made plans to reopen Sunday, October 25th. We intend to take the recommended safety precautions very seriously in order to minimize infection risk. We know there is a difference of opinion about those precautions but ask for your understanding and Christ-like spirit, and willingness to observe. Our guidelines are listed below:

· We will conduct one worship service at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday.

· Recommended minimum distance guidelines will be implemented. There will be at least six feet of distance between those attending, except for those within the same family.

· Songbooks, Bibles, attendance cards and pencils will be removed from the pews to avoid having to sanitize them.

· Wearing protective masks will be mandatory once you enter the building.

· Individual communion packets will be available as you enter the auditorium. Used cups should be returned to the Ziplock bags and disposed of in trash cans located in the foyer.

· There will be drop boxes in the foyer to place your contribution as you enter or exit the auditorium. The offering trays will not be passed.

· The bathrooms will be available for use but please use only if necessary.

· An unattended nursery will also be available but also please use only if necessary.

· If you are not feeling well for any reason, you should not attend.

· Please pray about this and make wise decisions for you and your family. The worship service will be live streamed at 9:00 for those unable to attend or who choose not to attend.

· All children must stay with their parents.

· Unfortunately, there will be no fellowship activities (socializing, hugs, handshakes, etc.) in the auditorium or foyer before or after the service. Everyone will be asked to have those conversations outside the building.

· Water fountains will not be available for use.

· No Sunday morning bible classes will be offered at the building at this time.

These procedures may seem extreme to some of our members; for others, they will not be nearly enough. It is important to be flexible, forgiving and patient (and to have a sense of humor) as we take this step. Please remember that the goal is to worship our Creator and Savior as his body, collectively; for an indefinite time, this will look much different than how we have traditionally approached our worship together.

As time goes by, we expect to reevaluate and update these policies accordingly. As we work our way through this pandemic, it is vital that we cooperate with one another, extend each other grace, and be proactive in loving our brothers and sisters by looking to their needs and not just our own. One day soon, Lord willing, we will be able to put all this behind us. Until then, let us stay safe, faithful, and positive.


The Elders

Update on Jean O'Neal - 10/19

As Jean is preparing to move into assisted living soon, she is wanting to sell some items now.
She'll have a "living estate sale" after she sells the house and moves.
Right now she's wanting to sell these items and wanted to give her church family first choice.

  • Clothes
  • Shoes
  • Jewelry
  • Purses
  • Fur coat
  • Piano
Please give her a call to set up a time to go by and visit and "shop".
Her home number is:  903-784-5488

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Prayer Request 10/17

Jerry Allen, former LACOC member, fell and broke his hip and some ribs this week and is in the hospital. 

This Sunday's Notes


“The Last Word on Prayer”
(Revelation 8:1-5)

1. Create _______ for ________________ in your life.

2. Prayer is __________________ and _________________.

3. Prayer evolves from a ___________________________ with God.

4. Prayer is a direct _______________________ of our _________.

5. There is something _______________________ about genuine prayer. 

6. Prayer does make a _____________________!

7. The path to heaven goes ________________, not _______________ history.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Shower Haiti With Love!

Here is an update on our baby supply drive for Haiti...our goal is at least 50 of each item by the end of the month.

SOAP - 31
BLANKETS - 147 - (another church wanted to help out and made 105)
Latch Key kids are also participating and will be adding to our supplies soon. Thanks to all that have given so far!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Update on Lonny Michael - 10/14

 PRAISE UPDATE: Today they began the process of Lonny being weaned from the sedation meds so he can start working on breathing over the vent. This morning he was very alert and responding well to commands. He even did a sort of “oh my gosh” head shake when I told him a story and raised and turned his head to look more closely at the nurse when I said she favors our niece. After about 3 hours of his lungs working very hard, he is tired, but all of his #s are doing great! He has been calm through this process. Lonny still has much progress to be made. He does now have a bacterial pneumonia (this is different from the initial viral Covid pneumonia). We are cautiously optimistic but completely trusting God for Lonny’s full recovery. It is all in His time, and we will be patient, hopeful and expectant during the wait. Today is just what our heavy hearts needed. And his...he hasn’t seen Chris and Cheryl for 3 weeks. Thank you for your continued, fervent prayers and please continue to bombard heaven on his behalf.

Prayer Request - 10/14

Don Lawrence will have knee replacement surgery at 1pm this afternoon.  Please pray for a successful surgery and quick recovery. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Update on Marsha Ford 10/13

Peggy Dotson posted this update: I talked to my daughter, Marsha Ford, today and she said the dr told her her white count is back down to normal and so is her heart rate. Fever is almost normal. He is keeping her in the hospital for a few more days, to make sure there's no further problems.  She asked me to tell everyone she really appreciates the prayers and to please keep them going, she has a long ways to go yet. Thank you all!

Monday, October 12, 2020

Update on the Sanders 10/12

Anne has tested positive for Covid.

She and Bill are at home together. 

Please keep them in your prayers.

Update on Sanders 10/12

Anne had all the tests last night and was sent home.  She won't know about her test until tomorrow.

Bill is being sent home with 10 day isolation. Not sure how we'll navigate that since I still have no results from my test. But prayers are working. Today is Bill's 78th birthday so this is a great gift. Not sure he looks at it that way. God is good

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Update on the Sanders 10/11

Bill admitted with Pneumonia and Covid. He's on the 5th floor, room 529. 

Anne is still in ER waiting for her tests.

Update on Bill Sanders. 10/11

Anne just sent this message: Bill has tested positive for pneumonia-covid and is being admitted to covid floor. Already started steroids. I'm on my way up there to get X-rays and test per doctors' advice. So I'm packing two bags in case they admit me also.

Please keep Bill, Anne and their family in your prayers!

Prayer Request 10/11

Dorothy Pearce posted this message: I would like to add my request to Peggy's for payers for her daughter (my niece) in South Dakota, Marsha Ford. That child has been through so much already and was once again admitted to hospital last night. Needless to say, Peggy needs your prayers as well. Thank you for blessing them with your care, concern, and prayers.

Prayer Request 10/11

Anne Sanders sent this message: I would appreciate it if you would add Bill to the prayer list at church.   No details as of yet.

Prayer Request - 10/8

Update on Peggy Dotson's daughter:  My daughter, Marsha Ford, got out of the hospital yesterday, but has to go back in regularly for treatment. She still has a long road to go. Thank you all for your prayers and your concern. We really appreciate it! It always helps to know you have prayers going up on your behalf.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Prayer Request 10/5


Former member, Pam Cattabiani Conrad, has asked us to add her to our prayer list due to recent surgery.  She is having a difficult recovery and with the loss of her husband earlier in the year and not having any family she would really appreciate cards and correspondence if you could take the time to send her something. I have attached a picture of Pam when she attended here in case you are trying to put a face to the name.  Thanks so much for praying for Pam and hope you will send her a card.  Her address is 8519 FM 128, Ben Franklin, TX 75415

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Can you help?

Wayne Kerby sent this message:  I have a family renting one of my houses that need a refrigerator.  They are really struggling.

"Famous Last Words"

 Sunday Sermon Series

"Famous Last Words" - Studies in the Book of Revelation
"The Last Word on Worship"
(Revelation 4-5)

1. A vision of ______________ becomes a _________ to worship. 

2. Only ________ and the ________________ are worthy of our worship.

3. We must worship with the conviction that we are in the ________________ of __________.

4. Worship is our essential and central _______ of ________________.

5. Worship includes both ___________________ to God and _____________________ from God.

6. Worship concludes with an “____________!”   

Prayer Request - 10/2

The Michael/Chipman family have posted this request for their brother. Please pray for our brother Lonny Michael. He was admitted a week ago to Texoma Medical Center with complications from Covid. I know he would appreciate your encouraging words and scriptures. Being in the hospital is not pleasant, but being without your loved ones by your side is very difficult and almost unbearable for all of us. Please pray specifically for healing for his lungs, for the doctors to successfully be able to decrease his need for oxygen and for peace for Lonny. Cheryl, Chris and my mom need prayers for peace too please.

Prayer Request - 10/2

Charlotte Grooms sent this request:  My husband Kenneth has been admitted to the hospital here possibly with pneumonia. Also he recently has been diagnosed with lung cancer in the left side. We’ve been doing radiation for 17 days and 3 chemo treatments. Prayers appreciated

Prayer Request - 10/1

Peggy Dotson posted this request:  Once again I am asking for prayers for my daughter, Marsha Ford, who lives in South Dakota . She is back in the hospital, scheduled to have another procedure on Friday. She had 3 surgeries in 4 days, on her stomach and was released from the hospital last Thursday. She had to go back in yesterday, badly dehydrated and in pain. They found another leak and will do this procedure tomorrow. So I am asking you to please pray for her. We need all the prayers we can get. . Thank you!