Monday, October 19, 2020

Guidelines for worship this Sunday

Dear Lamar Avenue Family,

The elders and ministers have made plans to reopen Sunday, October 25th. We intend to take the recommended safety precautions very seriously in order to minimize infection risk. We know there is a difference of opinion about those precautions but ask for your understanding and Christ-like spirit, and willingness to observe. Our guidelines are listed below:

· We will conduct one worship service at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday.

· Recommended minimum distance guidelines will be implemented. There will be at least six feet of distance between those attending, except for those within the same family.

· Songbooks, Bibles, attendance cards and pencils will be removed from the pews to avoid having to sanitize them.

· Wearing protective masks will be mandatory once you enter the building.

· Individual communion packets will be available as you enter the auditorium. Used cups should be returned to the Ziplock bags and disposed of in trash cans located in the foyer.

· There will be drop boxes in the foyer to place your contribution as you enter or exit the auditorium. The offering trays will not be passed.

· The bathrooms will be available for use but please use only if necessary.

· An unattended nursery will also be available but also please use only if necessary.

· If you are not feeling well for any reason, you should not attend.

· Please pray about this and make wise decisions for you and your family. The worship service will be live streamed at 9:00 for those unable to attend or who choose not to attend.

· All children must stay with their parents.

· Unfortunately, there will be no fellowship activities (socializing, hugs, handshakes, etc.) in the auditorium or foyer before or after the service. Everyone will be asked to have those conversations outside the building.

· Water fountains will not be available for use.

· No Sunday morning bible classes will be offered at the building at this time.

These procedures may seem extreme to some of our members; for others, they will not be nearly enough. It is important to be flexible, forgiving and patient (and to have a sense of humor) as we take this step. Please remember that the goal is to worship our Creator and Savior as his body, collectively; for an indefinite time, this will look much different than how we have traditionally approached our worship together.

As time goes by, we expect to reevaluate and update these policies accordingly. As we work our way through this pandemic, it is vital that we cooperate with one another, extend each other grace, and be proactive in loving our brothers and sisters by looking to their needs and not just our own. One day soon, Lord willing, we will be able to put all this behind us. Until then, let us stay safe, faithful, and positive.


The Elders

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