Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Update on Tony Clark - 11/25

Tony Clark, a/k/a Santa, remains in Stillhouse after testing positive for Covid. He was asymptomatic and they had to postpone his surgery. He will have wound vac surgery on Dec.1st at Baylor/Dallas. Praying that this will keep from having to amputate his leg. I asked him today how he was feeling... he said he's very sick. He's on day 5 of Covid. The doctors told him that days 7 and 8 will be the worst. He's on the breathing machine 6 hours today and oxygen levels are low. Please continue to pray specifically for:

  • For oxygen levels to go UP.
  • For days 7 and 8 to be easy for him.
  • For the wound vac surgery to keep amputation from happening.

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