Monday, January 11, 2021

Our Sympathy...

Please keep the entire Rhone family from Roxton in your prayers.
Brothers Stanley and Cedric passed away, within three days of each other, the week before Christmas. 
Yesterday their youngest brother Robert passed away too.  
All three of them from complications from Covid.
Please pray for their Mom and two sisters Trinia and Tracy.

Also... please keep the Wood family in your prayers.
One of the twin sisters, Denise, passed away on Christmas Eve. 
This morning the other twin, Juliann, died.
Both of them from complications from Covid
Pray for their Mom and brother Tim

Y'all ... this is serious!  This is entire families!
PLEASE wear your masks and wash your hands!!!
We've got too many church friends and family members that are sick with this virus and we need each other! 

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