Friday, January 29, 2021

Update on the Gillean's 1/29

Caleb Gillean posted this update: First off we want to say thank you soo much for all the calls,texts,support,love and most coveted prayers. Audrey went to her obgyn (btw Dr. Pipkin is great!) today to check out some concerns and it turned out she was going into mild labor. Pipkin sent her straight to the hospital where we had great staff taking care of us (thank you Alison and Megan). Everyone there explained to us that Paris is not set up for premature babies and in case Audrey went into full labor they wanted her in the best hands so she got to ride in a helicopter to Medical City Plano(thank you Mary and Alyson). She is on a few meds right now to stop the mild contractions and to boost the babies development in case she comes early. If she does they have everything here prepared to take the best care of her. Audrey will be on meds until tomorrow afternoon then they will stop the medication and see if she goes into labor at that point. We are barely past 32 weeks right now and the hope is to get to 34 weeks. Right now I would appreciate if anyone would join me in praying for my wife to remain healthy and praying for my daughter to be healthy whenever we get her. Thank you all so much.

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