Sunday, April 11, 2021

Prayers & Updates 4/11

  • James Hanley traveled to Waco this week and picked up a new bus for LACOC! It is beautiful!! James also spent Wednesday thru Friday in the hospital have some tests run.
  • Derald and Lesa Bulls were with her Dad, Williard Brockinton today. He's having serious health issues.
  • Ora Henderson will start chemo treatments this week for breast cancer. 
  • Dorothy Hamil was at church today!! She looked beautiful!

  • On April 25 at 3pm Chris Hutson will be honored with a Celebration of his Eagle Scout honors. The program will be in the auditorium and a reception in the Out Reach Bldg.
  • Sunday, May 2, we will meet back out at the Civic Center Pavilion.  There will be more info coming soon.
  • Wednesday, May 5, Randy will begin an adult class in the auditorium.

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