Tuesday, May 18, 2021

To wear or not to wear???

Lamar Avenue family,

We know there has been some confusion since our May 2 meeting at the pavilion when we stated masks were optional because we were outside. Some have thought that direction would extend to our indoor meetings as well. In light of the current situation and declining number of cases we are seeing, the elders have decided to transition to a Mask optional policy.
While masks are still recommended for those who are unvaccinated or otherwise without immunity in large indoor gatherings, we are leaving it up to individuals to make the decision of whether or not to wear a mask based on their immunity status and vulnerability. Out of our concern for those who are more vulnerable, for now we will continue to have roped off pews and ask that people continue to distance themselves between family groups.
We thank God that things are looking better and that we can progress to this point that will hopefully allow more of you to return to our assemblies. Again, if you feel unsafe or have significant concerns we urge you to continue wearing your mask and/or taking whatever steps you need to take in order to sufficiently protect yourself.
-Your elders

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