Saturday, August 15, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 8/15 - 9:37pm

Payden Daniels had the first seizure in 4 months on Friday night. He's doing better today.

Loretta Nabors is on the way to Dallas tonight to take her brother-in-law, Phillip Nabors, back to Baylor. He started running a high fever again last night, went to ER, they sent him home. Fever came back up again tonight and ER was they started to Dallas. His PIC line is coming out and is VERY ill.

Charlotte Grooms sent this PRAISE: "Let everyone know that the response for the backpacks have been wonderful. The money donations and the ones that brought backpacks I will be able to help out 50 students at Justiss this year. Thanks from the bottom of my heart."

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