Sunday, August 16, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 8/16 - 9:28pm

Thank you Patrick for 2 great messages today! Tonight's lesson really touched me! Thank you for encouraging us to go out and BE THE LIGHT! If God puts it on your heart to talk to someone this it! In your OUT LOUD VOICE! (Actually Patrick didn't say that, but I can paraphrase it can't I?)

Laura Janes asked that we remember her as she is starting a new medication. She wants us to pray specifically for NO SIDE EFFECTS! Laura also asked that we keep John's brother, Alex and his wife Diana as they are having difficult times.

June Preston is now at home...hospice is with her now. Please keep June and her daughters Geri and Kimi in your prayers.

Lesa Bulls was at home this morning experiencing abdominal pain.

Clay Spencer asked that we keep Stephanie Moore in our prayers as she is having health problems associated with MS.

Paul Benoit, Michael McCarter's friend, is continuing to have complications from cancer.

Wayne & Ruth McFadden celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary today! Congratulations you 2! What an inspiration you are to ALL of us!

There were quite a few prayer requests this morning for Josh McNabb. He has been sick and was sent to Children's Medical/Dallas. They are not sure what is going on with him.

Dale Maberry, the Paris fireman that has been in Baylor/Dallas, is now at home.

Harley Staley's back is doing better....they don't think it has anything to do with his cancer. The Staley's are in Oklahoma, with their daughter, Kathy Grigsby. Kathy will have back surgery this week, when she's healed from that, she will be having another heart surgery.

Jerry Pearce is now in PRMC/North - Room 331, but requests no visitors at this time.

Judy Trammell's aunt, Wanda Brockway, has just found out that she has lung cancer.

Dolores Parker is at home...please keep her and Jim in your prayers.

Charlotte Grooms grand-daughter, Kinzie Proctor, will be going to have BoTox injections in her legs this week. She's growing so fast and it's causing many problems.

Please continue to remember the Hoskins family, as they continue to mourn the death of Jay. Give them strength in the days ahead.

Diane McFadden's friend, Jerry Shannon, has lung cancer.

Anna Zant's friend, Jack Bohreer, is 96 years old. He's having lots of health problems. Anna also asked for prayers for June Zant as she is also having lots of health issues.

I received this message from Joanna Pitcock today: Mitch is doing wonderful. He has one more day of the rough medicine, that knocks his immune system out, and then he should start to feel better. This medication is given for the first 5 days after a transplant so the body does not reject the new heart. His new heart is doing great. He's walking around the ICU hallway, with rehab assistance of course, but is managing fine. The nurses tell him to slow down so they can keep up. He is moving to a regular room today but has to be very cautious of hand washing and wearing a mask if he leaves his room to walk. The doctors will gradually build his immune system back up so he won’t be so susceptible to infection. Even the common cold could be the worst for him right now. We have been handed down a miracle from God. God bless you all.”

This Thursday, there will be a Teacher Appreciation luncheon at LACOC. The meat and sides have been taken care of, but they need desserts. Please bring your dessert by Wednesday night.

AND....while we are on the subject....please keep the teachers and students on your hearts as they begin a new school year. The college students will be traveling to their respective schools soon also. Keep them safe on the road!

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Fajita Chicken Salad! (That sounds REALLY good!) If you didn't get the chance to sign up this morning, and would like to join us, please call the church office by noon on Tuesday so they will have enough food prepared!

PANTRY NEEDS: Dry cereals and jars of jelly

Aug 30: 5th Sunday format
Sept 3: Men's "42" Night
Sept 9: Ladies Bible Class Resumes
Sept 20: Family LIFE Groups
Oct 9-10: Father/Teen Camp Out
Oct 21: Blood Drive
Oct 25-26: No Debt, No Sweat Seminar
Nov 20-22: Family Retreat

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