Friday, August 21, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 8/21 - 8:33pm

Dorothy Pearce called the church office this afternoon and said: "Jerry has a blood clot in his leg. They are moving him to the PRMC/South for a procedure to put a filter in his vein to hopefully catch the clot if it breaks free. He cannot take blood thinners at this time due to the stroke. He will probably move back to the north campus on Monday. Please keep him in your prayers. Dorothy did not have a room number for the south campus when she called the office."

Charlotte Grooms sent this message this afternoon: "The luncheon on Thursday for area school personnel was absolutely wonderful. Thanks to all the ladies that prepared food and to the ones that served. It was just wonderful."

My Mom did have a stroke last night. She's having a big problem communicating with us now. She is a VERY big talker, and right now, it's just gibberish.

Love you - MEAN IT!

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