Sunday, August 23, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 8/23 - 10:10pm

Thank you Patrick for the reminderDon’t dwell on the negative! And what a wonderful way to start the day…Psalms 90:1: “Lord, through all the generations you have been our home.”

Melvin Webb went forward this morning asking that we help him remember to not be critical or negative. (We ARE all guilty of that!) He is having some health issues and is having tests run.

June Preston continues to be at home with hospice. She welcomes visits, cards and phone calls.

Jerry Pearce is in PRMC/South. They found a blood clot on Friday afternoon.

Charlotte Grooms’ granddaughter, Kenzie Proctor, had her Botox injection last week. It has started working and she will see the Dr. again in 2 weeks at Scottish Rite. Also, her brother, David Nelson, will have a colonoscopy on Monday in Sherman.

Michael McCarter’s friend, Paul Benoit, is continuing his struggle with cancer.

Dusti Gaither, 5 year old with leukemia, is now in her maintenance stage…her counts are low and can’t get rid of an infection. She’s at Children’s Medical/Dallas for at least 3 weeks. Her Mom is a teacher at Justiss Elementary.

Chuck Brazile asks for prayers for his daughter, Savannah and her children. Specifically, he would like guidance for her life and continued blessings for his grandchildren.

Renee Peace asked for prayers for David. He’s getting close to ending the Police Academy and she’s asking for specific prayers for his graduation and finding a job.

Jerry Barnes had his hernia surgery on Friday. He is in PRMC/South – Room 530. Surgery went well – but he now has a kidney infection.

Anna Zant asks that we keep Madeline Bohreer and Camilla Cox in our prayers. Madeline’s husband Jack passed away and they’d been married for 73 years.

Dinah Border’s friend, Wendell Rains, is on kidney dialysis. She stated that he is going down fast. Dinah also asked for prayers for her nephew, Jason Rowland, as he has multiple problems.

Continue to remember Mitchell Pitcock as he continues to heal from his heart transplant. Please pray specifically for his body to not reject the heart.

DON’T FORGET: Keep the teachers and students in your prayers as they start school on Monday morning.…REMEMBER THE SCHOOL ZONES!

PRAISE: SPC Amber Gibson landed in Dallas this evening from her first tour of duty in Iraq. We've had her on the prayer list for over a year - and she's home - SAFE AND SOUND!

Adult Summer Series will wind-up this week. Our final speaker will be Tom Wood.

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree will be Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwiches. If you didn't get the chance to sign up this morning, please call the church office by Tuesday noon to reserve your spot!

CLOTHES CLOSET: In need of men's clothing for all seasons.

5th SUNDAY: This next Sunday - August 30th! Potluck lunch in the OutReach Building after worship, we'll then have a short devo and then dismissed for the day. Be sure to remember to bring enough of your favorite food for your family, and a guest or two!

PANTRY NEEDS: Crackers and Cornbread Mix

Keep The Date
Aug 30: 5th Sunday Pot Luck
Sept 3: Men's "42" Night
Sept 9: Ladies Bible Class Resumes
Sept 12-13: Teen Fall Retreat at CDR
Sept 20: Family LIFE Groups
Oct 9-10: Father/Teen Camp Out
Oct 21: Blood Drive
Oct 25-26: No Debt/No Sweat Seminar
Nov 20-22: Family Retreat

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