Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Prayer Request Update - 8/26 - 9:20am

June Preston's condition has drastically deteriorated over the last couple of days. They have now started her on morphine to keep her comfortable.

Kathy Daniels' brother, Richard (Ricky) Adams, would like for you to add him to our prayer list. He is having surgery about 4:00 this afternoon. It is about a 3-4 hour surgery.

Lesa Bulls' sent these 2 requests: "Please add Wesley Williams, who just received his new kidney. Steve Sparks (principle at Stone MS) his father, Charles Sparks passed away. "

My Mommy, Louise McMillan, fell on Monday night at the nursing home. She has a huge bump and abrasion on the back of her head. (One of the nurses had forgotten to put the alarm back on her bed and turn it on.) She has really had a rough couple of weeks...but continues to just smile and be happy.

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