Sunday, January 17, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 1/17/10 - 10:53pm

Thank you Patrick for the wonderful lesson today from Daniel.  "Lord use me for your glory!"  We need to ask ourselves this daily and look carefully...there's always something we can do for the Lord or someone we can help.  Remember also that God is in control and there are NO "do-overs".

And thanks also to Paul Vinson and his story about his Uncle Marty.  We all need to remember to live each day with "A Clean Conscience and Holy Living"!

We had 38 youth group members and sponsors away today at WinterFest in Arlington.  We are so blessed to have 2 that were baptized while there.  Jaidelle Ray and Kassandra Miller are our new sisters in Christ.

Please keep these in your prayers:
  • All the victims of the Haiti earthquake.  Please pray for the safety of everyone involved.  We will have a special contribution in the coming weeks.
  • Phyllis Giguere has an appointment, on Tuesday, with a scoliosis specialist at Baylor/Plano.
  • Debra Usry asked for prayers for her grandson Lucas Simpson.
  • Sherry Welch will go back to Dallas for appointment with cataract spcialist this next week.
  • David Nelson (Charlotte Groom's brother) has a spot on his lung and will be having a biopsy.
  • Dinah Border's friend, Tyler Graham, is in the USMC and has been told he will be going to either Haiti or Afghanistan this week.
  • Louise McMillan (my Mommy) is in the nursing home in Cooper, they have an awful virus that is going around over there.  It's so bad, they've asked us family members not to visit until they can get it under control.
  • Vickie Vinson's step-dad, Norman Godfrey, was notified this week that his sister, Penny King, had died suddenly.  Penny's son, Kenny King, was the one that found his Mom, he has since attempted suicide and is now in the hospital in South Carolina where they lived.
  • Sandra Leath and Hazel Hicks both continue to be in PRMC/South
  • Charlie Parkman still can only have limited visitors while he is in DuBuis on the North Campus.
  • Please continue to remember our sisters, June Preston & Dolores Parker.  These 2 sweet ladies are dealing with cancer.
  • It was great to see sweet little Payden Daniels at church this morning.  Such a blessed little boy...he's had such a rough time of it in the last few months.
CHURCH CALENDAR:  Did you get your copy Sunday morning?  If not, there are copies at the Welcome Center.  This is a great way to keep up with what's going on ALL year.

CLOTHES CLOSET: The only need is for children's clothes. Please bring only clean clothes that are in good shape.

PANTRY NEEDS: 1 lb. packages of Dry Beans or Peas
There is always a need for canned meats, canned vegetables, canned fruit, hot/cold cereals, crackers, etc. 

SIMPLE SUPPER: Smoked Sausage and Scalloped Potatoes.  If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning and would like to eat Wednesday night, please call the church office by noon on Tuesday.
Jan 20: Ladies Bible Class
Jan 23-24: Churches of Christ Heritage and Destiny Seminar w/Dr. Doug Foster of ACU
Jan 24:  Area Wide Church Service @5pm at the College Church of Christ.
Jan 31: Fifth Sunday Pot Luck (bring enough food for your family and a little more for any guests who may join us.
Jan 31:  50th Wedding Anniversary celebration for Dailas & Oleta Dickson @ Jackson St. Church of Christ in Hugo
Feb 4:  Men's "42" Night
Feb 5:  Men Only - Wild Game Feast
April 2-3:  LTC Convention/Dallas

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