Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prayer Request Updates - 1/14/10 - 12:25pm

DON'T FORGET:  January 23-24...Doug Foster will be here doing a seminar on the Heritage and Destiny of the Church of Christ.  Child care will be provided.

WINTERFEST IS THIS WEEKEND!  Please keep our families in your prayers for safety and success on their travels to Arlington on Friday and back home on Sunday.

Our sister Hazel Hicks, fell yesterday and broke her hip.  She's in PRMC/South - Room 603.  She was to have surgery today.  (She is Mitchell Hicks' Mom.)

Our brother Robert Wilson, has been in PRMC/South - Room 532 for a few days.  He's having blood pressure problems.

Sandra Leath has been moved to room 534 at PRMC/South.  She's doing lots better.

Payden Daniels had a follow-up visit with the Dr. yesterday.  He wants him to continue to take it easy for a few more days.

Louis Exum (Jessica Daniels' great-grand-dad) just turned 96, 2 weeks ago.  He is in PRMC/South - Room 308 with pnemonia.

R.D. Sprinkle (my Larry's grand-dad) is having a biopsy on his throat today...they are looking for cancer.  Just this past year he had spots on his lungs, that were not malignant.   Please pray that the doctor's will find nothing!

Jered Benedick sent this plea for help today:  "I wanted to let you know about a special opportunity we have to help in our community next month. I was looking for a service project for our group to do in February and I think we have a good family service project. Habitat for Humanity has been delayed in getting their building going on their house but should be in full swing by next month. I signed us up to deliver a meal to all the workers including any of us that participate on Saturday @ noon on February 20. Let me tell you where you come in. We will need people to manage getting the meal ready. We will also need workers. The rules for workers are this. Anyone 18 and up can work unsupervised. Teens 16-17 can work unsupervised with a singed release form. All teens or children younger than 16 can not be on the work site but can be in the lunch area and watch or clean up our meal. I think we have a good opportunity to help our community and make a difference. I need men and women on this one. So e-mail me back if you think you can help us with this project and help me get the word out. Thanks."
Here's Jered's e-mail address:

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