Monday, April 5, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 4/5 - 8:25pm

What a wonderful Easter Sunday we had yesterday!  There were so many beautiful voices that made the song service SO moving.  And, what an inspiring message Patrick gave us!  I loved seeing so many old friends and new ones too!  Wouldn't it be great if EVERY Sunday was just like that?  We can do it!

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entree will be Chicken Strips.  If you didn't get the chance to sign up on Sunday morning, you still have the chance to come and eat with us by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Toothpaste

Senior Sunday will be May 16.  (Can you believe it's already time for these "babies" to be graduating?)  This years' 2010 Seniors are: 
  • Stephanie Janes
  • Jason McGee
  • Kasandra Miller
  • Adam Skidmore
  • Zachary Wickes
  • Zach Zant
CHANGE FOR CHILDREN: KFC is collecting change for Boles & Medina Children's Homes with the can drive. You can pick up a can at the Welcome Center or ask Tanya for one.

ANNUAL DIAPER DRIVE: KFC is also helping Lubbock Children's Home by collecting size 2 & 3 Pull-Ups.

KIDDIE KOLLEGE ENROLLMENT: Is still on-going for the Fall Semester. See Tammy Benedick if you have any questions.
Don't Forget: There will be a Baby Girl Shower for Jamilyn (Garrett) Campbell this Saturday (4/10) at 2pm at Melissa Poore's house. She's registered at WalMart and Target.

April 11: Book Club/Review - 4pm in Room 17
April 18: Family LIFE Groups
April 18: Boyd/Briscoe Wedding Shower
April 23-25: Camp Deer Run Spring Retreat
April 25: Brianna Slawson Wedding Shower
May 6:  Men's "42" Night
May 16: Senior Sunday
May 26: Blood Drive

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