Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 4/6 - 8pm

I received a text message from Curtis Garrett today he said that Landon is improving more and more every day.

Debra Usry sent this message tonight:  "Please pray for Yvonne Woodall and her family. She is raising three or four of her granddaughters. She has a bad back and has not worked in 4 weeks. Where she works has not been able to find her work that is more part time or not as bad for her back, so she has not worked. She has applied for Disability. Since she is not working, there is no income. They need some prayers for financial relief and that they will approve her Disability claim."

Next Wednesday night, April 14th, there will be a prayer time for MiKyla Pickering & friends at 7:30pm at The Cowboy Church ... Wear ORANGE!  If you'd like to catch up on all that's going on with her, her link is to the right of this blog.

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