Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Prayer Request Updates - 4/7 - 9am

Rickey McFadden called this morning and said that they are on their way back to Presbyterian/Dallas with his Mom, Ruth, this morning.  They are having to change her meds AGAIN.  (If you'll remember, she just had them changed a few weeks ago.)  The Dr. told them that if this med doesn't work, they'll have to "talk".  This is the last one she can be changed to.  She'll be in Presby until Friday.  Please pray specifically for the meds to work....and be SUCCESSFUL!

MiKyla Pickering's Mom posted a new blog this morning on her caringbridge site and asked that we specifically ... "Please keep REMISSION in your prayers for MiKyla. Also say a prayer for Jeramy (18 yrs) who just had a BMT (transplant​). He has had a high fever today."

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