Thursday, July 15, 2010

Prayer Requests - 7/15 - 1:18pm

FRIENDS & FAMILY DAY:  This Sunday is 5th Sunday Format ... even though it's not 5th Sunday!  After morning worship, we'll have a catered meal.  (Bring desserts.)  After lunch and a devo, Todd McKinney, an illusionist for kids, will be here for an afternoon program.  Everyone is welcome to stay.  There will be no evening service.
  •  Carmen Whiteman's funeral service will be held at Fry-Gibbs chapel at 11am on Friday morning (7/16).  Visitation will follow the service.  Burial in Evergreen Cemetary.  Please continue to keep her son Butch and the family in your prayers.
  • Continue to remember Jim & Paige Parker as they are continuing to grieve the loss of Dolores this past week.
  • James Walker is having serious health issues and will be having a kidney removed soon.
  • Louise Peace will have a pacemaker inserted on Tuesday (7/20).
  • Carole Anderson asked for prayers for her granddaughter, Grace.  She is traveling this week with a choir group and won't return until Saturday.
  • Keely Kennedy asked for prayers for her dad, Mike Kennedy.  He's having tests on a blocked artery in his leg.
  • Curtis Garrett sent this message about 4 yr old Nevaya Ferguson:  "They did surgery yesterday and removed a tumor the size of a softball. They Don't have any results of the diagnosis as of yet. Please keep praying."
  • Eddie Haley has cancer and his family asks for prayers.
  • Lesa Bulls sent this update from Sonja Carter:  "I visited with a surgeon at Baylor in Plano yesterday. My surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, July 21. They will remove thyroid and lymph glands. I will spend the night and come home on Thursday. After the surgery, a plan will be made as to further treatment depending on what they find out about the 3 growths on my thyroid gland. The biopsies were inconclusive, but suspicious. My Dr. thinks it is cancer. My prayer is that it isn't. Either way, I will trust in the Lord to bring me through all that lies ahead. The Lord has given me great peace about all this, but I don't look forward to the surgery or whatever treatment may be necessary. I would appreciate your prayers so much. Our God is an Awesome God!!!!"
  • PRAISE: Ed Bullard does NOT have an anuersym!
  • Jill Faires is working at a camp in Oklahoma this week.  Please pray for success with the camp and safety on the trip home.
  • Derald Bulls asked for prayers for Dorothy Callaway, former McCuistion volunteer, is 93 yrs old.  She had a pain management procedure yesterday at PRMC/S.
  • Gina Barnett asked for prayers for Traci House, that she will be able to make it to term with her second set of twins.
  • Tanya Welch's step-dad, Jim DeNoon, just found out that he is in Stage 1 of Parkinson's Disease.
  • Sherry Welch's Mom, Hazel Cross, is continuing to have health problems.
  • Charlotte Grooms sister-in-law, Nelda Nelson, is having health issues.
DON'T FORGET LADIES:  The first H.A.L.O. (Helping Another Loving Others) meeting will be next Thursday night (7/22) at 6pm in the Outreach Bldg.  Bring an item for the pantry & finger foods to share!  We're gonna have a great time - and help others at the same time!

LADIES RETREAT:  Will be NEXT weekend (July 23-24) at Jan-Kay Ranch.  It's still not too late to go.  It's only $55 and includes 3 meals.  If you've never been on a Ladies don't know what you are missing!  LOTS OF FUN!
PANTRY NEEDS:  Peanut Butter

CLOTHES CLOSET: Is in need of summer clothes…all kinds.

July 17: Shannon Boyd & Kristin Briscoe's wedding
July 18: KFC Family & Friend Day - Illusionist, Todd McKinney...Lunch & 5th Sunday format
July 21: Keith Bollman will speak
July 22: H.A.L.O. Organizational Kick-Off Meeting @ 6pm
July 23-24: Ladies Retreat @ Jan-Kay Ranch
July 23-31: Youth Trip/Wilderness Trek
July 28: Clint Gage will speak
Aug 1:  Wedding Shower for Bethany Skinner @1:30-3:30pm
Aug 4: Derald Bulls will speak
Aug 5: Men's "42" Night
Aug 6-7:  Disciple NOW with Larry Nunley
Aug 11: Todd Duren will speak
Aug 18: Louie Woodall will speak
Aug 25: Wayne Kerby will speak

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