Thursday, August 5, 2010

2 Prayer Request Updates - 8/5 - 9:46am

Roxanne just texted this message to me regarding her son Steve Shoemake"We need so many prayers!  They're keeping him in a drup induced coma to let his brain rest.  This hospital is a God send!  He looks so bad, but we know God is in control."

This is the latest update regarding Kenneth Freeman.  He wiggled his toes and followed a few other commands today.  He was trying too hard to breathe, so they put him back on the vent.  The Drs say that will be more comfortable for him.  Surgery for the trach and for a feeding tube went well.  Kenneth is now without any sedation at all.  He squeezed his wife and daughter's hands this evening.  They are all emotionally drained and continue to need your prayers.

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