Friday, August 6, 2010

Prayer Request Updates - 8/6 - 9:21am

Marshall Dickey had a massive heart attack while at the Nat'l Dixie League tournament this week. There was a cardiac Dr. in the stands that knew what was happening. They had to shock his heart 5 different times, once on the field, once in the ambulance and 3 times in the hospital. This Dr. stayed with him the whole time AND did his surgery. Marshall is doing so well, he will get to come back to Paris this weekend! God is so amazing...he puts people in our paths that NEED to be!

More updates on Steve Shoemake from Roxanne & Tracy this morning:
  • Both lungs are bruised. Several head fractures. Lots of broken bones in his face. BUT, no other injuries at ALL! They are going to do procedures today to relieve the pressure on the brain. 
  • "As Steve would sing in the mornings "Rise & Shine & give God the glory glory". Steve remained stable in the night and the CT scan showed no changed in his "brain bleeds" which is good news! Thank you God for a new day! All praises to You!"

God is good and HE will see Steve and the family through this.

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