Friday, August 6, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 8/6 - 7:10pm

Traci Shoemake just posted this message about Steve:  "We are amazed at how many people have responded to our call for prayer for Steve! We have held is hand and prayed over him so many times today! His ICP (which monitors the pressure on his brain) numbers are fluctuating still. We need them to be 20 or below and they are around 22-26. Continue to pray that this drops and the swelling and bleeding stops! There is a beautiful chapel right here in the middle of a courtyard by our waiting area and we all have found comfort in going in there to lift Steve up in prayer. Mallory enjoys going, and finds peace, so we go as often as she wants. Thank you to everyone who have signed Steve's guestbook! (On CaringBridge) Your sweet words and prayers mean so much to all of us! God will see us through this and we know He will heal Steve! God is so good!"
In the picture above is Traci, Steve & Mallory Shoemake.

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