Saturday, August 7, 2010

Prayer Request Update - 8/7 - 9:07am

Traci posted this message regarding Steve this morning:  "Good morning, God gave us good rest last night and a little good news this morning. They were able to lower the blood pressure medicine, which means it's a small step in the right direction. Our hearts are filled with peace and hope right now... God is so good! Everyone's prayers and encouraging words are so uplifting for us! We love reading each and every message that has been posted in the guestbook. We can't go in to see him until 8:30, but his night nurse just came down as she was going home and gave us an update that his ICP number is down to 17, which is very good! We pray that it continues to go down, and that his CT scan shows improvement. I will post an update after seeing him and getting an update from his scan. F. R. O. G."
(F.R.O.G.:  Fully Rely On God)

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