Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Changes 2/23

I've updated our blog today.  To the right of where you are will see the picture of the church, then the number of people who have visited our blog, and underneath that are pages that you can click on to visit websites of people we've been praying for.  (I think it's wonderful that we can have a picture of the person that we are praying for.)
If you know of someone that has a caringbridge site and you would like to have them included, please let me know and I will add them to our list.
(Those of you that only get the prayer blog on your phones may not be able to access this.)
Amy Ferman Porter:  Principal from an elementary school in Sherman.
Brazil:  Brent & Jill Nichols and their mission team.
Carter Townes:  Little boy from the Detroit area with A.L.L.
Cody Icenhower:  Ken & Shelia's nephew with A.L.L.
Dusti Gaither:  Little girl from Honey Grove with A.L.L.
Hunter Kelley:  Has cousins that attend Blossom Church of Christ.  Has retinoblastoma.
Kanyon Phillips:  The Spencer's grandson.
Lamar Avenue Church of Christ:  Our church website
Peru:  John Mark & Tara Davidson and their mission team.

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