Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Prayer Requests - 2/23 - 5pm

Debra Usry was out of surgery at 3:45pm and is doing well.

Sandra Smallwood's husband, Joe, will have triple by-pass surgery at PRMC/North tomorrow morning at 8am.

Paul Gene Roden has been released from the hospital and is at home doing well!

Doug Faires' fellow employee – Malcolm Branch – fell off a truck this morning and had to be transported to the hospital by ambulance.

Linda Tackett sent this message this afternoon:  "Please pray for our daughter-in-law, Dianna Tackett.  She has a very rare kidney disease, and the treatment they are trying with her is not working.  She is in a lot of terrible pain, and it looks like the pain is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.  She will have to have more surgeries to try and give her some relief."

Amy Ferman-Porter was released from the hospital today and was taken to the Reba McEntire Rehab hospital in Denison.

Gage Booth & Sara Smith's little baby boy, Blane, passed away this afternoon.  He was born last week with his intestines outside of his little body.  They brought him home from the hospital yesterday afternoon with hospice.  Please keep their family in your prayers.

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