Friday, June 3, 2011

Prayer Requests - 6-3- 2:00pm

Derald Bulls just sent this message:  "I just got off the phone with Kathy’s daughter, Shonda Guinn Here is what she shared with me…
Mike (Grigsby) went into Hillcrest Hospital in Tulsa on Tuesday. She said it wasn’t a mini or massive stroke, but a stroke. He was scheduled to come home today or go to a 7-day rehab center but sometime around 4 a.m. he began to fidget and Kathy just thought he was having trouble getting comfortable. Once Mike was able to tell her something was going on, she realized he was experiencing another stroke. By the time the medical team began to evaluate him, Shonda said it was too late to give him the ‘clot buster’ as they really didn’t know what time the massive stroke started (and she didn’t say what time they came to see Mike). Shonda is still at home awaiting Mike’s mom to arrive to drive her to Tulsa. But she said he has complete paralysis on his left side from his neck on down at this time. Sometimes Mike is speaking coherent and at other times he is not. Right now, there is a team of neurologist in the room with he and Kathy.
She wanted to ask all prayer warriors to begin praying on his behalf. "

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