Sunday, June 5, 2011

Weekly Update - 6/5 - 7pm

CONGRATULATIONS to Gary and Debra Gage to 40 years of marriage!  There will be a reception for them this coming Saturday afternoon, in the OutReach Bldg., from 5pm-7pm.

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • William Offutt was admitted to PRMC today with heart problems.
  • Ed Bullard is still in PRMC recovering from surgery.
  • Doris McGill is also in PRMC continuing to recover from her surgery.
  • Mike and Kathy Grigsby as they both deal with health issues.
  • Wayne Tolbert as he deals with the return of his cancer.
  • Lisa and Zack Harroff are on a medical mission trip to Zimbabwe-South Africa.  They are having difficulties getting the medicines into the countries.  Please pray for their safety and success on this trip!
  • Carole Anderson asked that we remember her cousins, Curbe and Pat Goolsby.  Curbe had another light stroke.
  • Lindsay McCarter's friend, Maggie McClain (33 years old), has been diagnosed with uterine cancer.  She will have surgery this Friday and chemo to follow.
  • Lewis, Carole and Michelle Anderson also asked that we remember their son/brother, Heath, as he is going on a mission trip to Nepal in August.  Prayers for God to provide everything needed and prosper on the trip.
PANTRY NEEDS: 1 pound packages of dry beans

REMINDER: The Simple Supper cooking crew are taking a break over the summer. During June, July & August there will be no meal on Wednesday evenings.

LADIES CLASS: "Made To Crave" will be facilitated by Laura Cannon and starts THIS Wednesday night June 8th. Check with Laura if you'd like to order a workbook.

June 7: Terrific Tuesdays start with a trip to the Children's Museum in Commerce
June 12: Wedding shower for Kacy and Kristen Cole (Tammy Huffman's son)
June 12: Faithful Readers
June 19-26: Mission Trip to Brazil
June 20-23: Camp Deer Run - Day Camp
June 21: H.A.L.O.
June 25-30: Harding Uplift
July12: Terrific Tuesday-Splash Kingdom in Canton
July 17: Wedding shower for Kristen Bollman and Vadim Lukas
Sept 7: Blood Drive
Nov 9: Blood Drive

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