Saturday, December 10, 2011

Prayer Requests - 12/10 - 10:25am

Loretta Nabors sent this request:  "Please put Larry Baker (my sister-in-law Marcie's, brother) on our prayer list.  He is 46 years old and he is mentally challenged.  He had surgery at PRMC/South, on Friday, to remove a tumor the size of a baseball in his rectum.  It is cancer.  The Dr. had to take out his rectum to be able to get it out. He is not doing well today, they are keeping him sedated.
My sister-in-law is the only girl and their parents have died with cancer. 
Marcie also has another brother, Charlie, that is in the hospital in Tennessee with blood clots in his lungs.  They are giving him meds to dissolve.  He is doing better today."

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