Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekly Update - 12/11 - 9pm

What do you want for Christmas?  What do you NEED?   
Only for our God to tell us, "Your sins are FORGIVEN!" 
Thank you Lord for that gift everyday of our lives.
  • Glenn and Joy Barnett asked asked that we keep his daughter, Valerie Speer, in your prayers.  She's being induced in the morning (Monday 12/12).  Please pray for a safe birth and healthy baby boy.
  • Joy also asked for prayers for her co-worker, Shirley McClain.  She's been diagnosed with breast cancer.  Please pray for comfort during chemo and the surgery following treatment.
  • Jimmy Thielman's Mom, Marchita Thielman, will have a heart cath on January 16.
  • Sherry Welch's Mom, Hazel Cross, as she reaches the end of this life and looks forward to heaven.
  • Freddie and Shirley Risinger's grandson was killed in a car accident.  (Friends of Linda Vickers.)
  • Marissa Binko - personal issues.
  • Ramona Hickerson - health issues. (1st grade teacher at Justiss)
  • Sarah Cook had brain surgery Friday.  She is a cousin of Cindy Detherage (Tammy Benedick's mom).
  • Raney Newby (13 year old) in Parkland Burn Unit. Burned over 90% of his body the day before Thanksgiving.
  • Lorene Butler (Jerry McFadden's Mom) - health
  • Former member, Ruth Ann Davis - health
  • Jeff Shipman - death of his wife.

Please keep Landon Garrett and Travis Cooke in your prayers, for their safety, as they have both been deployed Afghanistan, in the last 2 weeks.

CAN YOU HELP?  There's a need for a 2 year old teacher on Wednesday night AND there's a need for volunteers with the Children's Worship on Sunday mornings.  (This will be for Jan-Mar.) 

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Southwestern Taco Pot Pie.  Please donate at $2 per person.  If you did not sign up on Sunday morning and you want to eat with us, please call the church office by noon on Tuesday.


Dec 13 - Rudolf Party at the Kerby's
Dec 16 - KFC Christmas Party
Dec 18 - Family LIFE Groups
Dec 19:   Teen Christmas Party
Dec 25:   Christmas Day (10am worship only)
Dec 25:   Louie and Marolyn Woodall have invited you to their home, for the noon meal, on Christmas Day.  Bring a covered dish and a game and enjoy an afternoon of eating and fellowship.
Jan 17:    H.A.L.O.
Jan 20-22:  WinterFest

Love you - MEAN IT!

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