Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Prayer Requests - 4/18 - 9:55pm

  • Cheryl Bullard was admitted to the hospital tonight. 
  • Nancy Jones will be having surgery in Plano on Thursday morning (4/19) and then will be in a neck brace for a while.
  • Pauline Burton the mother of Jenny Rushin, who passed away recently, is in need of our prayers and encouragement.  She is taking care of the 3 children, while Ricky is working.  (If you'd like to have her address to send cards, please e-mail me.)
  • Brenda Coplin has cancer and is near the end of her life.  (Her husband is Ricky)
  • JoAnn Wood's brother-in-law, Aubrey McNutt, has been diagnosed with bladder cancer.
  • Diane Friar, is in PRMC/South-Room 529.

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