Thursday, April 19, 2012

Prayer Requests - 4/19 - 9pm

Dinah Border posted these prayer requests and answered prayers:  
  • Nancy Jones.... "Surgery went fine. She will deal with some pain for a while but is on the road to recovery. Thanks for prayers".   Continued prayers for excellent recovery and LOW pain level.
  • Cheryl Bullard...was admitted to Paris hospital yesterday for very high blood pressure. Overnight meds lowered BP to normal levels. She is resting at home. Stress test is scheduled for 7am Monday. Prayers for stable BP & good stress test, please.
  • My daughters, Le Andra Border Maughon & Shamane Border Whitaker departed DFW going to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for a family wedding. Prayers for safe travels for everyone!
  • Also, a cousin-in-law made an unnamed prayer request. God knows whatever is going on, but I can pray without details.

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