Friday, May 11, 2012

Prayer Requests - 5/11 - 9:40pm

Derald Bulls sent these requests:  "You may remember several weeks ago I had asked for prayers for Kevan Bennett...He will have a follow-up surgery next Wednesday, 5/16 in Dallas. Please pray for he and his family during this time.
Also please pray for Dakota Richardson, the grandson of Pam Bennett a co-worker ( and Kevan’s mother). Dakota fell at school yesterday and broke the femur bone in his leg and had surgery last night. He is still in the hospital as of today. The family has already told me how much they appreciate the thoughts and prayers."

Joy Barnett sent this prayer request:  "Billy Rogers, works at Campbell Soup, has a brain tumor and is in McKinney Medical Center. Did a biopsy today but do not know much yet at to treatment."

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