Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weekly Update - 5/8 - 1:50pm

Derald Bulls sent these 2 prayer requests: Mary Felty, mother of Tommy Felty, passed away on Monday morning. Her service will be at 10am, Thursday at the First Christian Church. Also, Mike Brock, passed away yesterday. His services will be Saturday at 2pm at Kavanaugh United Methodist Church in Greenville.

  • Hugh Anthony: PRMC/N - Room 308 - recovering from heart surgery.
  • Barbara Dean: PRMC/S - Room 527 - recovering from stomach surgery.
  • Lucy Staley: PRMC/N - Room 464 - had chest pains and was admitted last night. They are performing tests on her now.
  • Geraldine Jarrell: PRMC/S - ICU - Suffered a heart attack this morning. (Friend of Molly's)
  • Roxanne Raper: Is at home recovering from foot surgery.
  • Nancy Jones: Is at home recovering from neck surgery.
  • Chris Mashburn: Heritage House - Room 416 (Anna Zant's Mom)
  • Dee Lyons: Family Issues
  • Fran Hamner: Recovering from Colon surgery (friend of Charlotte Grooms)
  • Tanya Welch: Prayers for her sister, Tammi Stokes, on her upcoming surgery. Also, for her nephew, Alex Garcia, had hip surgery, was recovering and then fell.
  • Greg Wilson: His mom, Barbara Williams, has cancer and is undergoing treatments
  • Jill Faires: Prayers for Pauline Burton and Ricky Rushin as they are dealing with raising 3 little ones, after the passing of Jenny Rushin just last month. Also, Tyi Leonard, Roxton student that was paralyzed in car accident back in the fall. He is still recovering.
  • Rusty Cooper: His friend, Rodger Allen - Prostate cancer.
  • Curt Poore: His friend, James Hodge, is fighting cancer.
  • Kristi Nutt: Her friend, Carol Ward, is having problems with her heart. Has had tests and now waiting for results.
  • Linda Erwin: Her brother, Ron Lewallen, is having severe pain from 4 broken ribs after a fall from his horse.

H.A.L.O.: We will meet Tuesday night, May 15th at 6pm. Bring finger foods and games. Our community project will be snack foods/drinks for the staff of Dylan's Drivers. (Please make sure the snacks are individually wrapped.)

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is SLOPPY JOES. Please donate at least $2 per person.

PANTRY NEEDS: Canned Vegetables

May 8-12: Directory Pictures
May 15-19: Directory Pictures
May 15: H.A.L.O. 6pm
May 20: Senior Sunday
May 23: Shepherd Clusters
May 27: Pot Luck Lunch to honor the Christ family.
May 27: Shower for Aaron Christ and Claire Childress 1-2:30pm
June 3: Promotion Sunday
June 10: Faithful Readers
June 12: Terrific Tuesday
June 18-21: CDR Day Camp

Love you - MEAN IT!

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